Weekly Minimum 50% Profit in Nifty options

When we say % returns, I am taking total trading capital allocated to options trading, not just margin amount kept with the broker.

50% return on capital in 1 month is possible if one trades aggressively.

25% return possible every month (or 50% in 2 months possiible if one trades less aggressively)

17% return possible every month (or 50% in 3 months possiible if one trades conservatively)

The above is what is possible without taking excessive risks....

You are right. The problem is keeping the profits. Generally the option trader will not stop trading once the target is reached, and end up losing more :(


Well-Known Member
50% profit with options per week is a lot, specially when you have to make it by jump in and out. An other problem will be the amount you will have to trade with in later stages, as it will grove very fast (Like the chines story about the king and the farmer which was payed on the calculation of a corn which will be doubled on each field on the chessboard. In this case we take a half corn :D)

A more relaxed way is to trade bigger amounts of certain option strategies, but as your NSE not takes in account any hedged legs, that would need huge amounts of margin money.

So, 50% as a target the way you have to do it is hard business and only the best and most experienced traders will achieve such results.