what do you guys do when you're not trading?


Well-Known Member
Okay, here's my recent problem.

I am a day trader. So, I wait for the next good setup in the markets I follow. In the meantime, I watch youtube videos, read a couple of articles(not news) and basically spend my time on the internet.

What's happening is that I'm getting distracted and exhausted. For example, I was binge watching youtube videos yesterday while I waited three hours for a good setup to form. So, after those three hours I find myself exhuasted, distracted and unable to trade correctly. I keep on making the beginner mistakes:annoyed:!

I personally don't want to watch youtube again while waiting for a trade.

What do you guys do while you're not trading(I mean waiting for a setup)? Give me some ideas to spend my free time.
I am old school type. I sit with pen and notepad.w rite down pre mkt abt possible scenarios and keep updating my tgts and SLs. But yes when mkt is dull I also do other things on internet and even if I need to go elsewhere as well for 30 mins to 2 hrs.
I mostly play Solitaire. Each game takes about 2 minutes and I can give it up anytime, start a new game etc. Also, you are not thinking ahead about the next game because it is not a repeat of the previous one. Almost mindless exercise. It allows me to take another look at the market every 2-3 minutes.

Then once a day, I put on some devotional music, specially Kabirvani. This is more AFTER a trade or two is complete and I need to stabilize.


Well-Known Member
I mostly play Solitaire. Each game takes about 2 minutes and I can give it up anytime, start a new game etc. Also, you are not thinking ahead about the next game because it is not a repeat of the previous one. Almost mindless exercise. It allows me to take another look at the market every 2-3 minutes.

Then once a day, I put on some devotional music, specially Kabirvani. This is more AFTER a trade or two is complete and I need to stabilize.
Will play SUDUKO. It will take 10~15 min.


Well-Known Member
If I cought in such position first thing I do is close all positions except long term investment.
I go off from all kinds of distractions and distress that can caused like new,internet etc so no more app or information getting information regarding stocks. So no impulse thought.
Relaxing reading spiritual books.
Recently I have watched movie " Bucket List " there are many take always.
Working on it.
So no boredom. Mazya ni life.
Hope this will help.


Well-Known Member
I earlier mostly active in internet TJ,fb etc....But i found its most of times out of focus from charts which miss some trade setups.it mainly happens when sideway market .So now days trying to avoid these things in live trading.Now days play some melody songs which really helps to away from boring...also some times see some trading related you tube videos....