digital trading. analog technology was good but had a lot of limitationsand had to go.
it did, except for techcnology took over.strangely,in trading majority traders are still trading the analog way.and not so surprisingly the operators and big players are into digital trading.
no,i am not talking about the trading terminals or software....i am talking about themethod of trading.analog style of tradingis trading by tracking the exact path of the market movementand basing every trading decisionincluding entering, exiting etc.
on the basis of this.on the contrarydigital style of tradingis trading without tracking theexact path of market movementand instead trading from point to is a simplecase of on or off,all you are interested in is'has the price reached the target?'
e.g. consider a situation
where the market forces and fundamental factorsare sure to take the market higher from current point A to higher point Bit is no longer a question of whether the market will go to point Bthe only questions arewhen and how?
if you are trading the analog way
and following every twist and turn and drama of the priceline
caused by operators
like a snake follows the pipe of snake charmer,
emotional roller coaster ride
will cause you to get in out as dictated by the operators.
this is the mother of all trading mistakes
and trading traps.
on the other hand
if you are trading the digital way
and have taken a position near point A
and are not bothered to know and see
which timetable and route the price follow
to reach point B
as long as it does hit point B
you are sure to remain relatively stressfree
and handsomely profitable.
all you need to do before that is
1. get the eyes to know the likely move.
2. change your mindset and habit from analog to digital.
remember, operators trade digital
and make sure that you keep trading analog.