Wolfe Waves


Well-Known Member
Thought it was a WW in unitech, but it seems to be a wedge.
is it good to take position now ? or should wait for trend to build up upwards?
Hi prst

My observations about the chart,

The chart above is under the beating, due to H&S pattern and IMO it will face more beating, as it has not yet met the target of H&S.

Secondly, yes there is a +ww, but this is a weekly chart, so it may take several weeks to meet the target, if there is one.

So it will be better to wait for trend to move upward, if not in weekly then atleast in daily chart.


Well-Known Member
Anil Bhai

No, No
For +ww, 1-3-5- line should slope downwards and not upwards, at the most horizontal and the bottom of the candles of points 1 and 3 should be in one line

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