YAhoo Auto refresher

Yes Justvarshney's sheet is amazing. But please appreciate that it is easy to link google and bring realtime data till your excel sheet. The real problem is to convert that data in Metastock or Advanced GET format and continuously refresh it. On this aspect only softwares like DDEChartUpdater, FatchFromOdin are useful. But these are not free. Investbulls package is yet to be tested.
Hello ggshah,

My Utility has the ability to convert the data and update AmiBroker and refresh it realtime.. it is configurable to minimum of 4 sec.

I tried to do it for metastock but couldn't find the API or the functionality to import data.

If you are a metastock user and know of any such information kindly pass it to me. I'll really appreciate your help in anyways.

Gaurav Varshney
Thank you.

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