Zerodha - Number One Discount Broker in India


Well-Known Member
charts cannot capture every move. see if your stoploss is at 50 paise or 20 paise away from the lowest value in the candle.. your stoploss might have triggered and trade didnt record on chart..

check the tick data table in zerodha for that particular scrip at the time your stoploss is triggered..

if none, then zerodha is at fault(its a very rare case though)
Even datatable does not capture all ticks. Usually trades within 1/2 rs are triggered without being recorded in chart or datatable. It's normal for all brokers and happens frequently enough.
Can anyone answer this please.

There are certain stop-loss market orders(SL-M) for buying and selling I entered into system using NOW software for FNO-BHARATFORG.

These SL-M orders got executed even tough I do not see in FNO-BHARATFORG charts, thhat is traded at those prices. :annoyed: Not even touched it.

what the f*** is going on here!
I remember seeing this question being answered here mate:


Well-Known Member
Thanks, i registered at that url. Gave my details and everything.

Now I have this add client details screen.

Two colums are there, first for client code = 13906 and second for Memeber Name = Zerodha.

After that I press, ADD or SUBMIT button, nothing happens. and says INVALID REQUEST.
client code is your code.. like mine is DV02***** yours will be there.. the one you use to login to NOW or ZT.


Well-Known Member
Client Code = RAxxxx
Member Name = Zerodha

Didnt work.

Client Code = RAxxxx-13906
Member Name = Zerodha

Also didnt work.
it worked for me. after working for me only i've given you the link to register.. dont know why it isn't working for you.

Client code = RAxxxx

Member name = ZERODHA

should work..

for me it worked in the same manner..

client code = DVxxxxx

member name = Zerodha

before you register, the details you give like first name, last name, pan number, address and mobile number should match the ones in your account i guess.

Do you mean that your details are not accepted or when you look for trades it is giving "No Records" in return ?

if possible, can you take a screen shot ?

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