315 Trades - based on SH 315 System


Well-Known Member
Performance since I started the thread :)

3/15 Crossover System							
Date	Action	Instrument	Entry Price	Exit Price	P/L (Points)	Net P/L	Cumalative P/L
11th Feb 2012	Long	Crude (F)	4925	5015	90	9000	9000
16th Feb 2012	Short	Silver (F)	56200	57150	-950	-28500	-19500
16th Feb 2012	Long	Crude (F)	5060	5180	120	12000	-7500
21st Feb 2012	Long	Crude (F)	5200	5405	205	20500	13000
21st Feb 2012	Long	Silver (F)	57150	58360	1210	36300	49300
23rd Feb 2012	Long	Lead (F)	104	106.5	2.5	12500	61800


Well-Known Member
Performance since I started the thread :)

3/15 Crossover System
Date Action Instrument Entry Price Exit Price P/L (Points) Net P/L Cumalative P/L
11th Feb 2012 Long Crude (F) 4925 5015 90 9000 9000
16th Feb 2012 Short Silver (F) 56200 57150 -950 -28500 -19500
16th Feb 2012 Long Crude (F) 5060 5180 120 12000 -7500
21st Feb 2012 Long Crude (F) 5200 5405 205 20500 13000
21st Feb 2012 Long Silver (F) 57150 58360 1210 36300 49300
23rd Feb 2012 Long Lead (F) 104 106.5 2.5 12500 61800
Dear FT,

Good Going! :clapping:

A Summary of trades posted above gives confidence to new followers of SH's 315. I am regularly following up ur thread for ur updates. I hope u have made a universe of scrips for 315 trades from equity & commodity. Can u pl publish a list of them?

I suppose u have been following 315 strgy since last 2 1/2 yrs. Can u pl share ur experience on the behavior of this universe of scrips vis-a-vis 315 rules, any changes in the basic 315 rules to suit a particular scrip, any additional indicator used to avoid whipsaws, etc.


Well-Known Member
Dear FT,

Good Going! :clapping:

A Summary of trades posted above gives confidence to new followers of SH's 315. I am regularly following up ur thread for ur updates. I hope u have made a universe of scrips for 315 trades from equity & commodity. Can u pl publish a list of them?

I suppose u have been following 315 strgy since last 2 1/2 yrs. Can u pl share ur experience on the behavior of this universe of scrips vis-a-vis 315 rules, any changes in the basic 315 rules to suit a particular scrip, any additional indicator used to avoid whipsaws, etc.
Thanks for the encouraging words :) Though I have been avid follower of SH's 315 strategy but started following it to the core only from last year. Along with Nifty I have identified 10 other stocks (future segment) on which I selectively trade (refer to following link for the list of the stocks. Along with these 10 stocks off late I have been doing some trading with Commodities as well.

My exp with this system has been very very good. I haven't modified any rules or I do not use any other indicators along with this tool. Just to ensure that I do not lose more in case the trade moves against my position, I only take position in 1 lot at a time.
For 2nd criteria, did some homework. Following are the major scripts which did crossover on 27th Feb. These are sorted as per annualized volatility from high to low. Surprisingly , nifty is the last. Does it mean other stocks (of course with volume) are better than nifty to trade with 315 strategy?
Seniors are requested to comment on this. Also, FanaticTrader Pl. let us know how did you select your 10 stocks for trading with this strategy.
HCC 0.9693
UCOBANK 0.7185
SUNTV 0.6498
IDFC 0.6371
YESBANK 0.5976
IDBI 0.5827
SBIN 0.569
BIOCON 0.5219
LT 0.5036
M&M 0.4819
WIPRO 0.3081
NIFTY 0.2429

Vishal first criteria is volumes. High volumes means easier to get in and get out with less slippage.

2nd criteria is looking at annualised volatility. The higher the better. This will help you select stocks that should trend for longer periods and save you from ranging futures which give whipsaws.

What do other senior members think?


Well-Known Member
FanaticTrader Pl. let us know how did you select your 10 stocks for trading with this strategy.
The counters which I have picked up for trading using 315 setup

a. All trade in FNO
b. These counters have behaved well to this setup in past.


Well-Known Member
Current Status of trades taken as per setup (after thread has been initiated)

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[Not able to post charts today as I short on time today. Will do so later in the day or tomorrow morning]

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