A Bird's eye view to a Bull's eye

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Well-Known Member
My Little Internet - friend

What do you really know about my personality ? You never have meet me in real live . Do you think, reading some post about me or from me is enough to charge me or even try to push me in any corner you like for certain reasons ? Hope you get clear about this.

The other point I not agree is being not extreme.
Have a nice weekend with your family and your children :)

Dear Dan,

It is a simple comment and it doesn't carry any personal comment at least it didn't appear any thing wrong for me and it need not be taken too seriously.

Being one of the most experienced trader like you, the forum writings could be of little or no use for your trading experience is more than the 75% of average age of the forum members.

Each successful trader has his own style of trading strategies and style.
Every one are learning and no one is superior or inferior.

But for budding traders with little trading experience like me each words written by experienced traders like you and Tnsn gives great insights.

IMO this is one of the best threads and I request you to complement the thread with your wisdom and insights in the best interest of the forum members.
I see some signs of this thread deviating from the subject of trading and going astray. All requested that we are all matured persons and peace be maintained here and trading discussions continue without any allegation/counter allegation.....let the discussions be on the subject of trading and not on personal beliefs/faiths/nationalities......

Looking forward to everyone's co-operation in keeping this thread clean and non controversial....



Well-Known Member
just want to ask this question during this rest time ..

what is holy grill ? 100% strike rate ? doubling capital in one year? six months ?
an answer in a quantitaive means will be much heplful ...


Well-Known Member
just want to ask this question during this rest time ..

what is holy grill ? 100% strike rate ? doubling capital in one year? six months ?
an answer in a quantitaive means will be much heplful ...
Dear Stock72,

I will try to define holy grail :)

A system which one is able to follow consistently with out any fear or emotions disturbing the trading and still able to come out with good profits at the end of the day and is expected to give 100% accurate entry and exit with out any whipsaws.:D

There are few persons who also want to exactly expect the system to give buy and sell signals at the top and bottom. :D

The answer cannot be given quantitatively because the greed component varies from person to person.
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Well-Known Member
There are few persons who also want to exactly expect the system to give buy and sell signals at the top and bottom....
What a coincidence, commonality we all have when we all started trading, we all (I guess) by default were born with a skill to identify the tops and the bottoms. I could just never go wrong with my skill of identifying tops and the bottoms of the market. Almost never and such was my skill.

But I never made money from my inborn skill as perfectly at the top I would buy and exit exactly at the bottom, or short at the bottom and cover it only after I identified the top...ha..ha

And then I knew, that all I had to do was reverse my orders, but to teach my mind to do that simple reverse, took me years and holes in the pocket. Trading, as a process, to me not at all complex thing now. The different products, and leveraging tools may make it look bit complex but even those things can be simplified by a worthless looking paper and small pencil....

Next tool..pencil and a paper..


Well-Known Member
just want to ask this question during this rest time ..

what is holy grill ? 100% strike rate ? doubling capital in one year? six months ?
an answer in a quantitaive means will be much heplful ...

Holy Grail is the cup from which Jesus consumed wine during the famous last supper. It is considered to be having magical powers and if anyone drinks from that cup will become immortal they say.
But its a lost artifact in history and some doubt its existence too.
Hence "the search for the holy grail" is more used in any analogies where treasure hunters like/love to chase something which is non-existent or too tough to achieve



Active Member

Holy Grail is the cup from which Jesus consumed wine during the famous last supper. It is considered to be having magical powers and if anyone drinks from that cup will become immortal they say.
But its a lost artifact in history and some doubt its existence too.
Hence "the search for the holy grail" is more used in any analogies where treasure hunters like/love to chase something which is non-existent or too tough to achieve

Bro , what I read was "Holy Grill"

I love grilled chicken, but the holy part sure beats me.:rofl:


Well-Known Member
Dear Friends,

With feedback received from SK, ST and Traderji, this thread has been moved to a new location.

Ok...we all had a good break, so time to continue further...
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