A Strong Trading Mind

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Well-Known Member
Trading & Taking Breaks

"Markets are stressful. No matter how cool and calm we try to be, the nature of the work does cause stress."

It is here that taking breaks becomes immensely important. Some breaks are chosen by us, like going on a vacation. While others are by compulsion, like being down with viral fever ;) (I was down with Viral before 2 weeks, while Sir was down with the same last week!)

Both types of breaks can, if we choose to, reward us with something noted here, as per my insights:
1. Help us de-stress
2. Help us take time out and think, and re-focus on the primary goal
3. Help us break the constant materialistic pulling force which just increases every passing minute.

I observed one more thing:
On taking breaks, i get re-connected to what exists, what matters.

While we are in the markets, in our routine, we can't think clearly regarding realigning ourselves with our set system or strategy. At times, we can't even make out if we need realignment in the first place. A break, even for some hours or a couple of days, completely from our routine, physically as well as mentally, should serve a healty purpose there. After all, we trade to make money even with a few correct confident trades, and not to punch unnecessary wrong trades.


Well-Known Member
3 Exercises to Delete and Reset Your Mind

1) Keep a journal.

Keep a journal to write out all of the negative thoughts or words that are spoken to or by you. At the end of the day go through the list and cross off as many as you can by replacing the words or thoughts with a positive truth or dream. By keeping a journal and tracking our thoughts we are able to recognize how and why we are thinking or receiving negative information.

2) DELETE what is not positive.

Although we may not always agree with other people, we can allow others to express themselves without agreeing with them. Transparency is the best form or honesty in any relationship – however, if the friend, colleague or family member does not agree with us and begins to condemn our thinking we have the choice not to accept. We do not need to verbalize this act; in our mind we can begin to immediately dismiss the words we are hearing and replace them with our own positive self aligning thoughts.

*(Editor’s note: As negative words are sent toward you, reaffirm mentally with positive affirmations to bolster your own self beliefs.)


By empathizing with others, we are able to hear their troubles. Internalizing their beliefs however, is not a recipe for positive mental clarity. Empathizing with others allows them to share their worries, is a natural instinct, and shows kindness through their troublesome journey. The problem becomes evident when the receptor of information begins to internalize those fears and worries as their own. To effectively listen without internalizing, offering positive words of love, trust, and kindness as advice will allow the speaker to keep their troubles as their own and give you the mental clarity that is needed to stay in your positive mindset.


Well-Known Member
The mind and the soul must work together if you are to experience true bliss. Try not to spend too much time exclusively in your mind. It is a magnificent tool, but it has a limited perspective. Try not to spend too much time exclusively in your soul. It has a much wider perspective, but you cannot negotiate physical life from only that place. If you could, you would not have been given a mind. Here is the trick: balance. Spend some time each day nourishing and exercising the mind and the soul. You know how to do both. So do it!---Neale Donald Walsch

To attract money, you must focus on wealth. It is impossible to bring more money into your life when you are noticing you do not have enough, because that means you are thinking thoughts that you do not have enough. Focus on not enough money, and you will create untold more circumstances of not having enough money. You must focus on the abundance of money to bring that to you.--Rhonda Byrne
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