A Strong Trading Mind

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Well-Known Member
Mary Kom is truly inspirational , movie is not , the motive of the movie was not about Mary Kom , in my view , but money , i didnt see it. todays formula is get a very inspirational subject and commercialize it , Mary Kom didnt make so much money ,what producers,directors and PC has made in it ....................Cinema these days is a trap , we are just a bait , we watch it , we waste our time , money and think we spent time well ..............but its not true , they make us do that , they force feed stuff on us .

just my perspective .


Well-Known Member
TooCool, Surprised to hear this from you. NOBODY can force you to do something against your will. And why would you consider yourself a bait? NOBODY can own your mind, your 'self' Sure, we can go for a movie, and get let down, if we have an expectation. But being forcefed??? Just like in a market there is a stop loss, so too for a bad movie, there is an option - to walk off and salvage the remaining time, rather than to suffer. Money spent on the ticket ofcourse cannot be got back, but then there is no reason to sit back and watch a movie (or anything) just because you have paid for (think of sunk cost fallacy) ;)

Cinema these days is a trap , we are just a bait , we watch it , we waste our time , money and think we spent time well ..............but its not true , they make us do that , they force feed stuff on us . just my perspective .


Well-Known Member
TooCool, Surprised to hear this from you. NOBODY can force you to do something against your will. And why would you consider yourself a bait? NOBODY can own your mind, your 'self' Sure, we can go for a movie, and get let down, if we have an expectation. But being forcefed??? Just like in a market there is a stop loss, so too for a bad movie, there is an option - to walk off and salvage the remaining time, rather than to suffer. Money spent on the ticket ofcourse cannot be got back, but then there is no reason to sit back and watch a movie (or anything) just because you have paid for (think of sunk cost fallacy) ;)

when i say "WE"......its not exactly us ,not you ,me and us here , its for the people around us , the people we care about our own family and friends , if i am on higher spiritual path , it doesn't mean my kids and wife will follow the same path , let alone my other relative and friends .the trap is soooooooooo biiiiiiiiiiiggggg, that it affects even if one individual has got out of it , still our loved ones ,who are stuck at the deepest kind of levels that they think about the people like me as having some mental disorder ..........and i am serious , my kid and my wife do not agree with my views about movies ..........and movies are not only one thing i am most worried about ,...........i am worried about everything ................this is the age of devil and we have to find a way out , the devils are as follows

4-the like feature of facebook
5-television, and most of its program
6-news ,media
7-big brands, in every field ,be it bank, home,fashion,cars,food..........anything
8-lots of other things

my post was on a bigger level and not on the movies alone ,free will is a myth , it doesnt exist , it can be controlled via what we mostly see, feel and hear .............and it affects our(or our loved one's minds) minds ............, maybe not to my mind anymore ,there has been drastic changes in the ethics of the society and sadly those are on the downside and as long as we are connected to our loved ones ,we are still the bait because ,we might be aware ourselves (and if that awareness happened very recently then there may be a very big risk of being called a lunatic because we were part of the same group very recently)..................spirituality is the way out but its not a way out for everybody .

for MOST people the way out is going with the flow ,because they dont even know whats happening.


Well-Known Member
Mary Kom is truly inspirational , movie is not , the motive of the movie was not about Mary Kom , in my view , but money , i didnt see it. todays formula is get a very inspirational subject and commercialize it , Mary Kom didnt make so much money ,what producers,directors and PC has made in it ....................Cinema these days is a trap , we are just a bait , we watch it , we waste our time , money and think we spent time well ..............but its not true , they make us do that , they force feed stuff on us .

just my perspective .
TooCool, Surprised to hear this from you. NOBODY can force you to do something against your will. And why would you consider yourself a bait? NOBODY can own your mind, your 'self' Sure, we can go for a movie, and get let down, if we have an expectation. But being forcefed??? Just like in a market there is a stop loss, so too for a bad movie, there is an option - to walk off and salvage the remaining time, rather than to suffer. Money spent on the ticket ofcourse cannot be got back, but then there is no reason to sit back and watch a movie (or anything) just because you have paid for (think of sunk cost fallacy) ;)

when i say "WE"......its not exactly us ,not you ,me and us here , its for the people around us , the people we care about our own family and friends , if i am on higher spiritual path , it doesn't mean my kids and wife will follow the same path , let alone my other relative and friends .the trap is soooooooooo biiiiiiiiiiiggggg, that it affects even if one individual has got out of it , still our loved ones ,who are stuck at the deepest kind of levels that they think about the people like me as having some mental disorder ..........and i am serious , my kid and my wife do not agree with my views about movies ..........and movies are not only one thing i am most worried about ,...........i am worried about everything ................this is the age of devil and we have to find a way out , the devils are as follows

4-the like feature of facebook
5-television, and most of its program
6-news ,media
7-big brands, in every field ,be it bank, home,fashion,cars,food..........anything
8-lots of other things

my post was on a bigger level and not on the movies alone ,free will is a myth , it doesnt exist , it can be controlled via what we mostly see, feel and hear .............and it affects our(or our loved one's minds) minds ............, maybe not to my mind anymore ,there has been drastic changes in the ethics of the society and sadly those are on the downside and as long as we are connected to our loved ones ,we are still the bait because ,we might be aware ourselves (and if that awareness happened very recently then there may be a very big risk of being called a lunatic because we were part of the same group very recently)..................spirituality is the way out but its not a way out for everybody .

for MOST people the way out is going with the flow ,because they dont even know whats happening.

If a film producer/actor makes more money than the person whose life the film is based on , what is the issue?

They are professionals doing their job.They are not forcing /enticing us to watch the movie.There are hundreds of examples in history where the person who invented revolutionary things died in penury while others who bought their ideas have built empires on those ideas.

We are not kids.We are grown up adults with common sense to know what is right and what is wrong.

If media/facebook/whatsapp are running their business by marketing , we have a choice to use them or refuse them.

Even Facebook/Whatsapp can be used for both good and bad purposes.It always depend on the end user.

Like in Trading , we have our own trading strategy/system defined based on our risk appetite,money management ,same thing applies in our life as well.

Like DSM has rightly said, we all know our stop losses.If you are not enjoying a particular film there is no need to waste your time watching the entire film just to make sure you have not totally wasted your money.We can always step out.Consider that too a lesson learnt in life.Like a trade in which we lost and learnt an important lesson

My philosophy is very simple , even the greatest salesman in the world cannot sell you anything unless you ,yourself agree to buy it.

Even if we don't have the to choose where we come from ,we can still choose where to go from there.

Making choices isn't always easy , but you always have a choice.

Just two beautiful images to sum up the above.


Galts Gulch

Well-Known Member

when i say "WE"......its not exactly us ,not you ,me and us here , its for the people around us , the people we care about our own family and friends , if i am on higher spiritual path , it doesn't mean my kids and wife will follow the same path , let alone my other relative and friends .the trap is soooooooooo biiiiiiiiiiiggggg, that it affects even if one individual has got out of it , still our loved ones ,who are stuck at the deepest kind of levels that they think about the people like me as having some mental disorder ..........and i am serious , my kid and my wife do not agree with my views about movies ..........and movies are not only one thing i am most worried about ,...........i am worried about everything ................this is the age of devil and we have to find a way out , the devils are as follows

4-the like feature of facebook
5-television, and most of its program
6-news ,media
7-big brands, in every field ,be it bank, home,fashion,cars,food..........anything
8-lots of other things

my post was on a bigger level and not on the movies alone ,free will is a myth , it doesnt exist , it can be controlled via what we mostly see, feel and hear .............and it affects our(or our loved one's minds) minds ............, maybe not to my mind anymore ,there has been drastic changes in the ethics of the society and sadly those are on the downside and as long as we are connected to our loved ones ,we are still the bait because ,we might be aware ourselves (and if that awareness happened very recently then there may be a very big risk of being called a lunatic because we were part of the same group very recently)..................spirituality is the way out but its not a way out for everybody .

for MOST people the way out is going with the flow ,because they dont even know whats happening.
No doubt ... We as human beings ... Professionals as Traders ... Will have Distractions of different quantity and quality ...
How do we help? What is the solution?

"Avoid the distraction"

I do not get any NEWS papers at home ... I'm so very glad that I do not have to read (early in the morning) Which politician landed in which scam ... Latest sexual victims ... Horror crime stories ... You name it ... All reasons for early morning headaches ...

Watching ANY NEWS is not allowed ... For the same very reasons ... Either watch Tom and Jerry or comedy nights ... "Great Stress Busters"

Media is supposed to be watch dog of every society in general and of rulers in particular ... But when Media itself is biased, sold to different political parties or a rich guy, who watches them?

All social networking sites, in spirit, are anti social ... WHY? We communicate / share so very much / every thing on these sites that we do not actually meet to socialize ... When was the last time you got a hand written (or signed) greeting card for your birth day? 123greetings kind of sites took all that joy forever ...

Just writing these things, I can feel that I'm getting negative aura ... ENOUGH

The only way to make a Ram Raj or an Ideal home is to convert every home like that ... We can not change the Society at Macro Level, without changing the the Micro Individuals ...
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Well-Known Member

If a film producer/actor makes more money than the person whose life the film is based on , what is the issue?

They are professionals doing their job.They are not forcing /enticing us to watch the movie.There are hundreds of examples in history where the person who invented revolutionary things died in penury while others who bought their ideas have built empires on those ideas.

We are not kids.We are grown up adults with common sense to know what is right and what is wrong.

If media/facebook/whatsapp are running their business by marketing , we have a choice to use them or refuse them.

Even Facebook/Whatsapp can be used for both good and bad purposes.It always depend on the end user.

Like in Trading , we have our own trading strategy/system defined based on our risk appetite,money management ,same thing applies in our life as well.

Like DSM has rightly said, we all know our stop losses.If you are not enjoying a particular film there is no need to waste your time watching the entire film just to make sure you have not totally wasted your money.We can always step out.Consider that too a lesson learnt in life.Like a trade in which we lost and learnt an important lesson

My philosophy is very simple , even the greatest salesman in the world cannot sell you anything unless you ,yourself agree to buy it.

Even if we don't have the to choose where we come from ,we can still choose where to go from there.

Making choices isn't always easy , but you always have a choice.

Just two beautiful images to sum up the above.


you missed the part where i said it causes serious conflicts , when same family members are so divided about their choices and understandings about the world and its ethics and when there is so much age gap within the same family , so you haven't addressed my main cause of worry :p , would love to see what do you think about that


Well-Known Member
TooCool, If I may. (Sunday hai yaar, waiting for PM Modi to start his speech in Madison garden) So my take :

Regarding family having different viewpoint. Your spouse is a housewife, or may be working as well, and her interest or mode of relaxation may not necessarily be philosophy / intellectual debate / conspiracy theories etc. After work, her focus would be to take care of her family and spend the rest of the time doing what gives her happiness - be it mindless movies, watching TV serials or such. After being 5 days on the terminal (or even in between) when it gets too hectic, I occassionally switch off the terminal, take a break and would rather prefer to see a mindless movie for 'entertainment' so as to give the logical/rational part of my mind a break. I do enjoy these 'time outs' 'Finding Fanny' and 'Dawat-e-Eshq' where the two movies that I saw in the last two weeks. I keep my brains aside and try to enjoy myself. Similarly, I think your kid after studies, homework, stress of exams etc. too would want to 'chill out' and 'relax' So don't hold it against him. If you do that, you are taking away the joy of childhood from your child. In time, he will form a view of the world from his own reading, experiences, curiosity, experiments etc.... so just let him. My 2C.


you missed the part where i said it causes serious conflicts , when same family members are so divided about their choices and understandings about the world and its ethics and when there is so much age gap within the same family , so you haven't addressed my main cause of worry :p , would love to see what do you think about that


Well-Known Member

on the subject of ,whats wrong in making movies and make some money ? basically its not wrong but lots of directors and producers make movies without any strong feeling and energy behind the idea, the idea is not having good force behind in the making of the movie ..............the real force is money and fame only , thats when someone tries which he doesnt beleive in but still does it for every other aspect of work other than "love of the ART" .............omung kumar is an old art director ....means he used to make sets of shows in tv and then movies .....and then he made his 1st movie.

i hope you know what Himesh Reshammiya did with his career after composing and singing .............and the most famous KRK , who is even bigger than Amitabh Bachchan as he himself had said that i believe

i think Mary Kom didnt have right energy behind it , the most powerful emotion/energy behind it was not applauding Mary Kom , but just because it was a great formula to pick and inspirational story and just make it for the heck of it .

another biggie in indian cinema which i could never understand as a director is Sanjay Leela Bhansali ..............it feels he makes movies for awards and to create emtional factor for oscars maybe............look at his small career , by small means just hand ful of movies , but the repetition just astounds me , i am speechless by same kind of movies by him.

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