A Strong Trading Mind

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Well-Known Member
TooCool, If I may. (Sunday hai yaar, waiting for PM Modi to start his speech in Madison garden) So my take :

Regarding family having different viewpoint. Your spouse is a housewife, or may be working as well, and her interest or mode of relaxation may not necessarily be philosophy / intellectual debate / conspiracy theories etc. After work, her focus would be to take care of her family and spend the rest of the time doing what gives her happiness - be it mindless movies, watching TV serials or such. After being 5 days on the terminal (or even in between) when it gets too hectic, I occassionally switch off the terminal, take a break and would rather prefer to see a mindless movie for 'entertainment' so as to give the logical/rational part of my mind a break. I do enjoy these 'time outs' 'Finding Fanny' and 'Dawat-e-Eshq' where the two movies that I saw in the last two weeks. I keep my brains aside and try to enjoy myself. Similarly, I think your kid after studies, homework, stress of exams etc. too would want to 'chill out' and 'relax' So don't hold it against him. If you do that, you are taking away the joy of childhood from your child. In time, he will form a view of the world from his own reading, experiences, curiosity, experiments etc.... so just let him. My 2C.
ya i can exactly relate to what you have said and infact i try the same :thumb: and i also saw Finding Fanny and found it funny , not hugely but yes funny :rofl:


Well-Known Member
Loads of interesting discussion.. nice to see :) Few things from my perspective :

1. Atomic energy was a great invention which is a great resource today but it also gave Hiroshima nd Nagasaki.

2. Computer invention changed the life of the human being but it also threw a lot of people out of job (created too)

3. Internet, email, social media etc are boon for those staying miles away from their loved one.. but it also burried the affection of hand written notes

4. Having direct link to exchange for trading from home created revolution in d trading world but it also killed the zeal to be sucessful while having almost no access to do analysis, place direct order etc. Today we hv data, access, all the tools but we still struggle to succeed as a trader.

Aite my point is dt as time chnages, we will see new things, new invention, new culture.. while we do have choice to embrace it or not, we cnt just shut our senses nd wish these things didnt exist. If want my kid not to be on social media or not watch a certain type of movies.. i wud explain tye good nd bad things to him/her nd let his concious act.

Same thing applies to us too.. there are always good things nd bad things but they are how we percieve. Many things which i see as bad may be good for others. One can feel dt drinking is bad but for others having a beer wid friend is normal. So according to me it all depends on the choices we make based on how we perceive. Therr are pros nd cons to everything nd they will always exist... Time is a contant changing thing is d saying.. wid time, things change, human being changes nd nature changes. We all shud embrace the changes while we happily chose what makes us nd others around us happy :)


Well-Known Member
Loads of interesting discussion.. nice to see :) Few things from my perspective :

1. Atomic energy was a great invention which is a great resource today but it also gave Hiroshima nd Nagasaki.

2. Computer invention changed the life of the human being but it also threw a lot of people out of job (created too)

3. Internet, email, social media etc are boon for those staying miles away from their loved one.. but it also burried the affection of hand written notes

4. Having direct link to exchange for trading from home created revolution in d trading world but it also killed the zeal to be sucessful while having almost no access to do analysis, place direct order etc. Today we hv data, access, all the tools but we still struggle to succeed as a trader.

Aite my point is dt as time chnages, we will see new things, new invention, new culture.. while we do have choice to embrace it or not, we cnt just shut our senses nd wish these things didnt exist. If want my kid not to be on social media or not watch a certain type of movies.. i wud explain tye good nd bad things to him/her nd let his concious act.

Same thing applies to us too.. there are always good things nd bad things but they are how we percieve. Many things which i see as bad may be good for others. One can feel dt drinking is bad but for others having a beer wid friend is normal. So according to me it all depends on the choices we make based on how we perceive. Therr are pros nd cons to everything nd they will always exist... Time is a contant changing thing is d saying.. wid time, things change, human being changes nd nature changes. We all shud embrace the changes while we happily chose what makes us nd others around us happy :)
I liked this answer :thumb: No 2 persons can be the same .Even if born to same parents .And we chose thoughts , actions , circle of friends accordingly. Internet is really good for all these and more ,if we know how to make the most of it :)


Well-Known Member
Our Soul is the only thing that will follow us wherever we go.

Don't strive to "be someone", just "be". Who cares what flower you are so long as you are growing

I have often wondered how it is that every man loves himself more than all the rest of men, but yet sets less value on his own opinion of himself than on the opinion of others.”
Marcus Aurelius - 2nd century Roman Emperor/Stoic Philosopher
Book: The Emperor's Handbook
The question is do we like our' own selves' ? This is true of trading as well.Ought to seek out a method that suits 'me'

The best way to know God is to love many things. VAN GOGH
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