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Well-Known Member
Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresea, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein."
-- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change."
-- Charles Darwin


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Become the next Millionaire.

To become the next millionaire, you will need to blend business practices with responsible financial decisions in order to both maximize profits and squirrel away some cash for the winter. Even though this is easier said than done, the things that you have to do to become the next millionaire are theoretically fairly easy.

Buy The Things That You Need

Even though one of the reasons people strive to become millionaires is to be able to afford the things that they want to do, living in a house far too big for your needs or shelling out on a vehicle more luxurious than you require is going to set you back in your goals.

Spend Less Than You Earn
This is saving money and accruing wealth 101, but even old advice can be good advice, and such is the case with this.

Make Sure That You Can Pay Off the Things That You Buy
And the quicker you can pay them off, the better! This will enable you to search for a job that you love and will therefore be more conducive to putting you closer to your goals.

Exercising Patience

It may be really tempting to up your quality of living or your lifestyle expectations as you begin accruing more money and assets to make you into a millionaire, but you will not reach your goal by taking some out of the pot.

Utilize Automatic Paycheck Deductions
You cannot spend what you do not have, so having these set up with your bank is going to help you save money better than many other tactics will.

Pay Off Your Credit Cards Every Month
Having a good credit score is always a strong financial situation to be in, but making sure that you can afford what you are spending is even better when you are trying to become a millionaire.

Use Time to Your Advantage

The quicker you start saving, the better. If you begin saving in your twenties or thirties, you will be able to take advantage of compounding interest and put yourself in a better position without having to do much extra work.

Realize That Money Doesn't Buy Happiness

When you are working for a wholesome goal instead of a ploy to satisfy material urges, your goals will come to you faster and easier

Realize That 'Life Happens'
Having a bit of money on the side separate from your millionaire fund will keep you on a steady track toward that goal; after all, you never know when a financial emergency will rear its ugly head.

Focus on Being Debt Free

Even if you have income coming in every month, if you have any sort of debt, you need to be deducting that from your gain--if it comes out negative, you are not financially free, and will not be able to achieve your millionaire dreams yet. In order to be the next millionaire, you have to make sure that your debts are all paid.

Work Hard And Diligently
If you keep putting in the effort, it will be easier to make amends after a financial mishap.

Get a Second Job
Not only will it add to your savings that much faster, but also if you stay busy you will have no time to spend the money that you are trying to save.

Don't Be Afraid to Have a Big Vision

Most modest savings plans do not end up panning out as the people who made them would have liked. Having a vision larger than what you can currently deliver will actually be the best way to ensure that you meet your goal.

Have Good Money Management Skills
Keep up to date on what you need to know to manage your money, and realize that without good management, it will never grow or mature into what you would like it to be.

Do What You Enjoy
Working in a field you enjoy will be one of the fastest routes to financial freedom and success, as you will spend more time at work and excel at it, putting you in a better position for promotions and pay increases.

Pay Yourself First

This will keep you satisfied and will help you achieve financial success with your goals.

Go Out And Find Your Money
Simply saving and hoping that it will come to you will never be good enough. You will only receive what you earn.

Invest in Yourself

Without furthering your education or professional development, there will be nothing to set you apart from others, and no reason for your employer to aid you in your goals.

Invest in Property When You Do Buy Assets

Having property on hand is always going to be a good asset, as there are always buyers for property and property values are beginning to climb again, healing from the collapse in 2008.

Realize That There Is More Than One Way to Approach a Problem

Being versatile will lead you quickest to the solutions for your problems.

There's certainly no surefire way to becoming a millionaire. After all, if there was, everyone would be making millions. However, if you manage to blend the right business practices with solid personal finance skills, there's no telling where you'll end up.


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10 Year old Entrepreneur-Runs Cookie Business


In pictures posted to his popular Instagram page, which boasts over 33,000 followers, 10-year-old Cory Nieves looks every bit the dapper entrepreneur.

In one shot, he’s poring over the morning paper while posed under a tree, briefcase in hand and blazer collar popped. In another, he’s seated in a leather armchair, sporting his signature horn-rimmed glasses, gaze buried in a Donald Trump self-help tome. “My mom picks pages I can read,” according to the caption.

But for Nieves, entrepreneurship is more than just a fancy pose. The 10-year-old has a burgeoning baking business to back up the snazzy duds. Nieves, after all, is the CEO and founder of Mr. Cory’s Cookies -- an all-natural bakery based out of Englewood, New Jersey.

Five years ago, freezing and tired at the bus stop, Nieves remembers whining to his mother, Lisa Howard, “We have to get a car!” They decided to sell hot cocoa in order to set aside some funds. And soon after, they added fresh-baked cookies into the mix, Nieves recounted during a recent appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show -- where the hostess presented him with $10,000 and a new car.

Nieves and his mother have been shrewd enough to leapfrog the regulatory hurdles that have hindered other youngsters with entrepreneurial aspirations -- including 11-year-old Chloe Stirling, whose cupcake company was shuttered by a local health department for lacking permits and licensing.

"We incorporated the business into an LLC corporation, 'cause we couldn't use our regular kitchen unless this whole house is commercial," Nieves told CBS This Morning. Howard, who serves as COO and is legally required to do the baking, makes use of a separate commercial kitchen as well.

Every Saturday, mother and son fill a wagon with their wares and make the rounds, selling $1 cookies at local boutiques, barbershops and car dealerships. They clock in sales of roughly $1,000 per weekend, Howard says.

"Sometimes I cannot believe my son is my boss," she told CBS. "Like, hold on a second. And sometimes, I have to correct him. Because he sometimes takes that to the head. And I have to say, 'Hold on, Cory, I gotta cut the check. You can't. So, let's get it together.'"

But Nieves, who possesses an authoritative affect well beyond his years, is just getting started. In addition to one day attending Princeton, the fifth grader also dreams of having his own clothing line called Mr. Cory. And like the best entrepreneurs before him, Nieves has a knack for the tease. “All the new stuff that’s gonna come out -- it’s secret,” he says. “G-14 classified.”

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