I agree Sir, and Thank you for taking time and looking at my system, I am using other Dhiraj formulas on the same amibroker, They work fine perfectly without any wrong price presentation. The time shift is due to Quote tracker which I use for real time data source. It works on US time zone.
As Quote tracker has 30 mins ahead difference. When actual market starts at 9, Amibroker takes it as 8.30.. Accordingly I have modified the formula in Amibroker to adjust to 30 mins difference . Which I believe should not be a factor to display wrong values.
Vinod Sir, I am in no way saying your formula is wrong. We are grateful that you are sharing it with us. I am just looking out a way to resolve this and use your formula,
I am not sure why noyal is facing the same problem,
Noyal, are you using Quote tracker and amibroker together and is there a time difference, please let us know... This may help us both in resolving this problem.
Vinod Sir, your guidance is required.