Amibroker Database for NSE stocks

iam new to amibroker saftware.
i downloaded it from net.
i dont kow how to operate. ans get to nse data
can u please tell me step by step how to connect nse

thanking you sir,
waiting for ur reply
It is an awesome effort. I have saved the instructions on my hard disk and it will take me some time to assimilate all the information contained in this gem of a thread.

One rquest though, can someone convert all the instructions including charts etc in a pdf form, like what has been done for " teach a man to fish" thread.

These two threads are worth their weight in gold and more. Thanks a lot to the duo of selfless contributors who has given so much of their time and effort in this thread.


Well-Known Member
Dear Aqueel

Great work. Thanks a lot. I always wanted to update but never had the time. It will be very useful for all of us Amibroker users. Keep up the good work.

warm regards

Thanks Karthik and Murti for awesome job. This is great!!! I have a question on Maintenance of sectors charts. With time lots of new stocks come and old one become obselete. Will manually adding/deleting the tickers to proper sector will update the charts as well? Could you please shed some light?

Thanks in advance.
Thanks murthy,

The database purify procedure described by you has helped me in detecting erraneous data in my database. In some cases I had unadjusted data for a few days(about 1-2weeks). The data before and after were properly adjusted but in between there was an error. So I got some contradicting split ratios such as 2 to 1 split followed by a 1 to 2 split which clearly shows the unadjusted chunk of data. I could correct these errors and it helped me in the TA. I was getting some unacceptable results due to the error in data and now I am able to get correct results. Thanks for such useful tips.

How you did that. I'm having the same issue with icicibank where it shos 2:1 split for 16/08/2007, then 1:2 split for 17/08/2007, and so on for 4 days. Please clarify how to correct that.
first of all many many thanks for giving out such great instructions and creating afl's
I have come across few issues which are as follows:
1. The list of sector/industry is a year old now and in the meantime, many symbols have changed. Now, when one imports that list using, few symbols which have been merged are created with no quotes. for example, i had merged utibank with axisbank, after loading that industry list, one utibank entry was created with no quotes. it would be of great help of a new list can be posted.
attached find Fundas for nse stocks updated till 23-10-06.
except stocks of Finance companies
This can be used only in versions abv 4.80.
Where from you got that data. I was looking for that kind of stuff for quite some time. I had posted a thead earlier regarding fundamental data source. http:// post any source that you know about. It will be great if we can have that quaterly data.

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