Anatomy of a Trend- Volume by Volume!

Hi Winston,

I will not buy Pidilite for sure. I just had a look at the charts, and I am attaching one with my annotations.

Hello Sunil,

Your volume analysis on Ramsarup was great.

I tried to interpret the volume of Pidilite. Please refer to the attached chart.
Can you please comment on the same - where i'm correct and where i'm wrong.

Thanks and regards,



Active Member
Here we take a look at the volume action in HLL on a weekly chart. I love weekly charts, and the volume analysis on a daily chart assumes that you have had a good look at the Weekly chart and then trade accordingly. Needless to say 10 period average on a Weekly, translates into a 50 period on a Daily.

Regards and your feedback and support was excellent!

Thank you,




Well-Known Member
Hi Sunil,

Great going. What will yo do if u see a large break out on big volume (like a climax - wrong term since breakout means that it is from consolidation and climax means after directional movement, but just to give u an idea of the magnitude of breakout) on high volume...if it goes above your 15-20 uptick rule...will u enter the trade just based on volume conirmation? If so where will you enter? and what SL will you follow?

... (like a climax - wrong term since breakout means that it is from consolidation and climax means after directional movement, but just to give u an idea of the magnitude of breakout) ...
Avi: What are you referring by Climax? Can you please explain it?

Sunil: What does that 15 - 20 uptick rule?



Well-Known Member
when theres continuous move in one direction, strangely i have seen this word used more often for selling than buying, towards the end u'll see a big bar where a huge sell off or by has happened....with very high volume..its a bar that sticks out sorely...this is often referred to as climax...
(crude explanation)
when theres continuous move in one direction, strangely i have seen this word used more often for selling than buying, towards the end u'll see a big bar where a huge sell off or by has happened....with very high volume..its a bar that sticks out sorely...this is often referred to as climax...
(crude explanation)
Ok, Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Here is my little contribution to this thread. First part of the four part series article (of course downloaded from the net). Please forgive me for not remembering the source
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