BankNifty PUTs & CALLs

Nifty's options are better than BankNifty's option?

  • YES

    Votes: 140 74.9%
  • NO

    Votes: 47 25.1%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
NOV.27 NOVseries Day.21 BankNifty=11657 (224)

In NOV.series so far ,Day.21 BankNifty (10D-11U) moved this way:

We follow the PUT and CALL windows with the boundaries, as :

========= 	=========	
1  to 7 	40Rs to 400Rs
8  to 14	30Rs to 300Rs
15 to END 	15~25Rs to 150~250RS

This is not based on ANY formula , but on just observations of last few days.
The Expected zone has moved up and condensed to (11700-11600) from (11600~11300).



Well-Known Member
NOV.29 NOVseries Day.22 (END)BankNifty=11993 (336)

In NOV.series so far ,Day.22 BankNifty (10D-12U) moved this way:

We follow the PUT and CALL windows with the boundaries, as :

========= 	=========	
1  to 7 	40Rs to 400Rs
8  to 14	30Rs to 300Rs
15 to END 	15~25Rs to 150~250RS

This is not based on ANY formula , but on just observations of last few days.

Windows moved rather violently.

***Series ended on 11993***


Well-Known Member
NOV.30 DECseries Day.1 (START) BankNifty=12159 (166)

In DEC ,BankNifty (1U) closed like this:

Tentatively the Expected zone is fixed at 12500~11900 and will
move in the direction of market in due course.

Though in percentage terms ,movement in the both the indices is more or less same,
(MORE than 90% times ),in absolute terms they differ by huge quantity.


Well-Known Member
DEC.3 DECseries Day.2 BankNifty=12104 (-55)

In DEC ,BankNifty (1U1D) closed like this:

We follow the PUT and CALL windows with the boundaries, as :

========= 	=========	
1  to 7 	40Rs to 400Rs
8  to 14	30Rs to 300Rs
15 to END 	15~25Rs to 150~250RS

This is not based on ANY formula , but on just observations of last few days.

Tentatively the Expected zone stands at 12500~11900 for second
day in row and will move in the direction of market in due course.
Present strike is marked at 12100.


Well-Known Member
DEC.4 DECseries Day.3 BankNifty=12197 (93)

In DEC ,BankNifty (2U1D) closed like this:

We follow the PUT and CALL windows with the boundaries, as :

========= 	=========	
1  to 7 	40Rs to 400Rs
8  to 14	30Rs to 300Rs
15 to END 	15~25Rs to 150~250RS

This is not based on ANY formula , but on just observations of last few days.

The Expected zone stands at 12500~12000 from
12500~11900 and will move in the direction of market in
due course.Present strike is almost at 12200.

Also called the cash reserve ratio, refers to a portion of deposits (as cash)
which banks have to keep/maintain with the RBI. This serves two purposes.
It ensures that a portion of bank deposits is totally risk-free and secondly
it enables that RBI control liquidity in the system, and thereby, inflation by
tying their hands in lending money.By cutting CRR, the money will be
released into system.


Well-Known Member
DEC.5 DECseries Day.4 BankNifty=12281 (84)

In DEC series, BankNifty (3U1D) closed like this:

We follow the PUT and CALL windows with the boundaries, as :

========= 	=========	
1  to 7 	40Rs to 400Rs
8  to 14	30Rs to 300Rs
15 to END 	15~25Rs to 150~250RS

This is not based on ANY formula , but on just observations of last few days.

The Expected zone stands at 12600~12100 from 12500~12000.
The present position of Bank Nifty is also indicated with arrow.

Repo (Repurchase) Rate
Repo rate is the rate at which banks borrow funds from the RBI to meet the gap between the demand
they are facing for money (loans) and how much they have on hand to lend.
If the RBI wants to make it more expensive for the banks to borrow money, it increases the repo rate;
similarly, if it wants to make it cheaper for banks to borrow money, it reduces the repo rate.


Well-Known Member
DEC.6 DECseries Day.5 BankNifty=12427 (146)

In DEC series, BankNifty (4U1D) closed like this:

We follow the PUT and CALL windows with the boundaries, as :

========= 	=========	
1  to 7 	40Rs to 400Rs
8  to 14	30Rs to 300Rs
15 to END 	15~25Rs to 150~250RS

This is not based on ANY formula , but on just observations of last few days.
The Expected zone stands at 12900~12300 from 12600~12100.
The present position of Bank Nifty is also indicated .

Reverse Repo Rate

This is the exact opposite of repo rate.
The rate at which RBI borrows money from the banks (or banks lend money to the RBI)
is termed the reverse repo rate. The RBI uses this tool when it feels there is too much
money floating in the banking system.If the reverse repo rate is increased, it means the
RBI will borrow money from the bank and offer them a lucrative rate of interest. As a result,
banks would prefer to keep their money with the RBI (which is absolutely risk free) instead
of lending it out (this option comes with a certain amount of risk) Consequently, banks would
have lesser funds to lend to their customers. This helps stem the flow of excess money into
the economy .Reverse repo rate signifies the rate at which the central bank absorbs liquidity
from the banks, while repo signifies the rate at which liquidity is injected.


Well-Known Member
DEC.7 DECseries Day.6 BankNifty=12363 (-64)

In DEC series, BankNifty (4U2D) closed like this:

We follow the PUT and CALL windows with the boundaries, as :

========= 	=========	
1  to 7 	40Rs to 400Rs
8  to 14	30Rs to 300Rs
15 to END 	15~25Rs to 150~250RS

This is not based on ANY formula , but on just observations of last few days.
The Expected zone stands at 12800~12100 from 12900~12300.
The present position of Bank Nifty is also indicated .

Call Rate

Call rate is the interest rate paid by the banks for lending and borrowing for
daily fund requirement. Since banks need funds on a daily basis, they lend
to and borrow from other banks according to their daily or short-term
requirements on a regular basis.


Well-Known Member
DEC.10 DECseries Day.7 BankNifty=12381 (18)

n DEC series, BankNifty (5U2D) closed like this:

We follow the PUT and CALL windows with the boundaries, as :

========= 	=========	
1  to 7 	40Rs to 400Rs
8  to 14	30Rs to 300Rs
15 to END 	15~25Rs to 150~250RS

This is not based on ANY formula , but on just observations of last few days.
(I think ,there is a need to change them.)
The Expected zone stands at 12800~12100 for second day.
The present position of Bank Nifty is also indicated .

Call Rate

Call rate is the interest rate paid by the banks for lending and borrowing for daily fund requirement. Since banks
need funds on a daily basis, they lend to and borrow from other banks according to their daily or short-term
requirements on a regular basis.

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