Be careful while buying Market data provider data feed


Well-Known Member
No raunak, you got it wrong.

Just putting in my experince in using MDP does not essentially mean defending. Prior to MDP I have used almost all major RT data vendors. It only through this forum I got their reference about a year back & since then I am using their data.

Here few members repeatedly condemm MDP and especially a thread run for it.
They say MDP Support arrogant---------- I never experenced their arrogance.!

They say RT Data delayed by 10seconds--------- I am yet to find the day when data is 10sec delayed.

They call them Americans narrate some names too-------- I never tried to discuss on this , I even dnt know the names of support people, for me they are just MDP 24x7 helpline, why to go personal? When ever I require their help, I just narrate my issues, they resolve it. Thats it.

They rate MDP data 3rd rate w/o even using it --------- I have used major data vendors, so by virtue of my experience I rate them at par, never rated MDP better then any renowed data vendors.

U are a senior member and know very well which data vendor to choose from. But there might be many more members like me who might be new to TA and looking for RT data at reasonable cost. The constant & repeated posting of fabricated condemnation to confuse newbies to select data vendor which costs less on their pockets that too at par with costliest available RT data vendors. (I say fabricated becoz I never faced these kind of exp). My interest & address is always to the newbies like me, why to pay more for less, as i have been using MDP for more then a year.
Thanks for answering Pkgmtnl.

Well, I take market data from 2 sources; Reuters and Now MDP. I use MDP primarily as a backup for few other things. I must say, I have found their support very helpful, available almost anytime of the day and I have not seen any distorted data as such.

So in a way I do agree with you but I also respect other user's opinion. :)

i am using mdp fast two months.i am using Rt5 package.thiere tick by tick data is very poor once we stop and restart there is no guarenty that it will back fill.
but thiere explore mode is good it will never give any trouble.but thers is no data of volumes and high low value for backfilled will show signle close price data.
regarding help they will never treat us like customer but they treat us like as if thier employs.
finally my sugestion is gor for mdp becausev it is cheap and without asking anything to them and we must have a good luck like pkgmtnl


Well-Known Member
dear sateshchand,

U have paid and U must get trouble free data, there is no doubt about it. Its ur legitimate right.

I normally dont interact with support people unless required, I still believe chances are remote that there would be any problem with EXE.

please quote ur customer id with MDP here, i will surely chat wid support on RT5.

Please check ur antivirus, which antivirus u r using?
there are many softwares available for yahoo data,even mdp has got same thing.but problem is there is no futures and option.for the benfit of forum users try this site, it is free[/URL]


Well-Known Member
dear sateshchand,

U have paid and U must get trouble free data, there is no doubt about it. Its ur legitimate right.

I normally dont interact with support people unless required, I still believe chances are remote that there would be any problem with EXE.

please quote ur customer id with MDP here, i will surely chat wid support on RT5.

Please check ur antivirus, which antivirus u r using?
Dear sateshchand,

please quote ur customer ID with MDP, lets take up the issue together with MDP.
When I am getting trouble free data, u should also get it..!
thank you pkgmtnl for your kind reply.with your advice i used explore mode it is working correctly.but still there is problem with tick mode any how i happy because they extended for 3months.
in expl mode i am getting only close price when it is back filled and real time data is coming right.are you pkgmtnl getting same problem.but every day updating software so i am patiently waiting for them to solve all problems.
reagarding yahoo data mdp also providing.but there is no derivative data.
there is free site yo get yahoo data try this


Well-Known Member
thank you pkgmtnl for your kind reply.with your advice i used explore mode it is working correctly.but still there is problem with tick mode any how i happy because they extended for 3months.
in expl mode i am getting only close price when it is back filled and real time data is coming right.are you pkgmtnl getting same problem.but every day updating software so i am patiently waiting for them to solve all problems.
reagarding yahoo data mdp also providing.but there is no derivative data.
there is free site yo get yahoo data try this
Gud to learn that U r happy now, actually the problem is not with MDP exe its operation require GetMeData & BackFill thats it. U does not seems acquinted with it, though, the EXE updates auomatically, but still U can update it manually. Use "CleanUp". Only EXE will be updated, data will remains.

Updation is requrd, NSE adds, deletes scripts to & from FnO all to be updated to us as well. they too add features, but its automatic.

Why to go Yahoo data? I dont recommend. If, the cash & derivative data is requd go for RT4. See they extended for 3months, so for 1year price U get data for 1.25years. (Calculate the effective price).
i am searched net but there is no other service who provides option data.only MDP providing,they are improving it.i agree some options data is not coming correctly.slow trading options data is not coming correctly in one minutes chart,i am using five mintues.but fast trading options like ce5300 are coming correctly.i am not expecting more from mdp because no one is providing.we hope they will improve thing i am telling yahoo or google is not providing optoins data.