
Did Bollinger Bands help you?

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    Votes: 239 77.9%
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    Votes: 68 22.1%

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Well-Known Member
Lower BB pierced today.. but not the buying time yet, I guess; bearish times these.

still not white.
Couple this with OPTIONS data.There is a huge build-up of OI on CE side.
Since as expiry approaches nearer ,this kind of build-up is seen ,as OTM
options tend to be very cheap.Yes ,you are correct,bearishness is seen
in the market.
Now it won't take days but weeks to see a whiteness in SMA-20, unless
a hugggggggge run up in market is seen.


Well-Known Member
EOD=20.12.11 ................7-month NIFTY-Future chart

Basically there are 2 lines in chart , 20-SMA in (WHITE+MAROON) colours
and 10-ema in VIOLET colour.In bullish conditions 20SMA will in White
colour and bearish condition it will be in Maroon colour.Violet colour line
decides the momentum of market, mostly.



Well-Known Member
EOD=21.12.11 ................7-month NIFTY-Future chart

Basically there are 2 lines in chart , 20-SMA in (WHITE+MAROON) colours
and 10-ema in VIOLET colour.In bullish conditions 20SMA will in White
colour and bearish condition it will be in Maroon colour.Violet colour line
decides the momentum of market, mostly.



Well-Known Member
EOD=22.12.11 ................7-month NIFTY-Future chart

Basically there are 2 lines in chart , 20-SMA in (WHITE+MAROON) colours
and 10-ema in VIOLET colour.In bullish conditions 20SMA will in White
colour and bearish condition it will be in Maroon colour.Violet colour line
decides the momentum of market, mostly.

At last SMA-20 turned WHITE.Given the kind of bearishness prevailing in the
market I did not expect it to happen so soon.Huge market movement yester-
day and today in UP direction is the reason.Yesterday we had +500 points
(sensex) and another +125 points (sensex) today, UP movement.But today's
candle is bigger than yesterday's.Today candle has some wicks ,yesterday's
had somewhat big wicks,even then,today's candle showed somewhat bigger.


Well-Known Member
EOD=23.12.11 ................7-month NIFTY-Future chart

Basically there are 2 lines in chart , 20-SMA in (WHITE+MAROON) colours
and 10-ema in VIOLET colour.In bullish conditions 20SMA will in White
colour and bearish condition it will be in Maroon colour.Violet colour line
decides the momentum of market, mostly.

The euphoria of SMA-20 turned white is fizzled now.
The euphoria of SMA-20 turned white is fizzled now.
Some parallel with June, white color on and off, but then at least the candles were in upper BB so the down could be justified. This time it is down and downer :( :(

PS: Doesn't make a different to an options player :D


Well-Known Member
EOD=26.12.11 ................7-month NIFTY-Future chart

Basically there are 2 lines in chart , 20-SMA in (WHITE+MAROON) colours
and 10-ema in VIOLET colour.In bullish conditions 20SMA will in White
colour and bearish condition it will be in Maroon colour.Violet colour line
decides the momentum of market, mostly.



Well-Known Member
EOD=27.12.11 ................7-month NIFTY-Future chart

Basically there are 2 lines in chart , 20-SMA in (WHITE+MAROON) colours
and 10-ema in VIOLET colour.In bullish conditions 20SMA will in White
colour and bearish condition it will be in Maroon colour.Violet colour line
decides the momentum of market, mostly.

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