
Did Bollinger Bands help you?

  • Yes

    Votes: 239 77.9%
  • No

    Votes: 68 22.1%

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Well-Known Member
EOD=28.12.11 ................7-month NIFTY-Future chart

Basically there are 2 lines in chart , 20-SMA in (WHITE+MAROON) colours
and 10-ema in VIOLET colour.In bullish conditions 20SMA will in White
colour and bearish condition it will be in Maroon colour.Violet colour line
decides the momentum of market, mostly.

The bands are flattening and there have been too many candles in the lower half, so maybe there will be some upside to turn the 20SMA white. The problem is that the top of the band at 5081 looks too distant, while the bottom at 4518 doesn't look that far :(.



Well-Known Member
The bands are flattening and there have been too many candles in the lower half, so maybe there will be some upside to turn the 20SMA white. The problem is that the top of the band at 5081 looks too distant, while the bottom at 4518 doesn't look that far :(.
In last 2 months ,hardly 10 candles were above 20-SMA,mostly candles were
down this line ,so more chances for PUTs.


Well-Known Member
EOD=29.12.11 ................7-month NIFTY-Future chart

Basically there are 2 lines in chart , 20-SMA in (WHITE+MAROON) colours
and 10-ema in VIOLET colour.In bullish conditions 20SMA will in White
colour and bearish condition it will be in Maroon colour.Violet colour line
decides the momentum of market, mostly.



Well-Known Member
EOD=30.12.11 ................7-month NIFTY-Future chart

Basically there are 2 lines in chart , 20-SMA in (WHITE+MAROON) colours
and 10-ema in VIOLET colour.In bullish conditions 20SMA will in White
colour and bearish condition it will be in Maroon colour.Violet colour line
decides the momentum of market, mostly.



Well-Known Member
EOD=2.1.12 ................7-month NIFTY-Future chart

Basically there are 2 lines in chart , 20-SMA in (WHITE+MAROON) colours
and 10-ema in VIOLET colour.In bullish conditions 20SMA will in White
colour and bearish condition it will be in Maroon colour.Violet colour line
decides the momentum of market, mostly.

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