Inflation in india at 7%, i heard because of the decrease in import duty and export ban of edible oil prices have come down from 75 to 55 per kg, i have not seen this change yet in the grocery stores but might will be happy if this is true when i purchase groceries next month. i read india imports 45% of it's edible oil.
the reason for this post is , i don't know how many people believe in 7% inflation, and have no idea how it is calculated, per annum,weekly ,monthly. i believe it is calculated weekly on annualized basis. if someone goes to the grocery store, the minimum increase from past year is 20% and most of the items have gone up 40% from last year, then how come inflation is 7%.
i believe there are 435 items on the list. measuring commodity prices and that too wholesale prices is not the best way to guage, i do not know when the list was last reviewed based on today's needs. it will be a good idea for the govt to come up with better metrics , using Consumer prices and re-adjusting the weights.