Bulls, Bears & The Lion


Well-Known Member
Totally confusing, are the traders very silent today? Or expecting some news?



Well-Known Member
Have 2 lots 4600PE @ 6.75.
Placed order 1 lot 4800PE @ 22.45.
Placed order 1 lot 4900PE @ 41.75.



Well-Known Member
patience buddy.. market breadth is negative and we have negative news all around the world.. buy near money put or ITM puts.. just if you like to hedge then buy 2 lots of 4900pe and 1 lot of 5100ce... close your system and have some rest :D

talking about myself.. I am running through a bad day, havent had much sleep in past 48 hours and have some personal problems going on. I would not take any new position and continue to hold my positions. i might go offline after sometime and have some sound sleep.


Well-Known Member
patience buddy.. market breadth is negative and we have negative news all around the world.. buy near money put or ITM puts.. just if you like to hedge then buy 2 lots of 4900pe and 1 lot of 5100ce... close your system and have some rest :D

talking about myself.. I am running through a bad day, havent had much sleep in past 48 hours and have some personal problems going on. I would not take any new position and continue to hold my positions. i might go offline after sometime and have some sound sleep.
Better do that! Have a good night sleep! You need that urgently if you are facing personal problems. The mind might be very tired to see things clearly and hence you see problems all around. Take rest!



Active Member
talking about myself.. I am running through a bad day, havent had much sleep in past 48 hours
You've started talking like a forex trader. Trading 24hours a day already? :D


Well-Known Member
I am out.. just keep a watch on 5060 on higher side and 5000 on the lower side... sell on higher side with a 5-10points SL and cover & go long on the lower side around 5005-5010 with SL @ 4994

I will see the markets now in evening.. no action taken...


Well-Known Member
talking about myself.. I am running through a bad day, havent had much sleep in past 48 hours and have some personal problems going on. I would not take any new position and continue to hold my positions. i might go offline after sometime and have some sound sleep.
Ya i know dear that you were awake full night yest.
have good sleep.
jaan hai to jahan hai. mkt will be always there and so we should be physically and mentally fit to trade. else wats use of mkt there and we out of mkt.


Well-Known Member
Have 2 lots 4600PE @ 6.75.
Placed order 1 lot 4800PE @ 22.45.
Placed order 1 lot 4900PE @ 41.75.

Removed the order for 4800PE.
Order 1 lot 4900PE executed @41.75.

Total holdings:
2 lots 4600PE @ 6.75
1 lot 4900PE @41.75


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