Bulls, Bears & The Lion


Well-Known Member
please get some basic knowledge about forex first.. :D
Now, who is the ignorant man in this thread?
For somebody to learn something, there are two options,

take a book, read it, analyze it, try it and master it.
find a guru, learn to trade from his tips and techniques, try to simulate the guru to an extent and then master your own style of trading.

Now,in the first option, you have to find a book that will give you the best knowledge.Who will recommend this? Ok, somebody recommends it, who will clear the doubts while reading the book!!

Now, why would one want to do this, especially the one who regularly reads this thread! The second option is so wide open here, people would prefer the second option over the first!!! Gotcha!!!

State your Gurudakshina, ;)

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Well-Known Member
no seriously... I do not have confidence in myself for Forex.. forex trading does not really follow charts or VSA.. its all about speculation. Who can forget George Soros who made over $1.1 billion on speculative trade in Forex.. thats too on intraday basis... I would make him my guru :D :D


Well-Known Member
no seriously... I do not have confidence in myself for Forex.. forex trading does not really follow charts or VSA.. its all about speculation. Who can forget George Soros who made over $1.1 billion on speculative trade in Forex.. thats too on intraday basis... I would make him my guru :D :D
There comes the first gyan, guruji! ;)
I will find references in George Soros, thanks!



Well-Known Member
no seriously... I do not have confidence in myself for Forex.. forex trading does not really follow charts or VSA.. its all about speculation. Who can forget George Soros who made over $1.1 billion on speculative trade in Forex.. thats too on intraday basis... I would make him my guru :D :D
Find the thread - Trading with bars. Moreover pipshower also has another thread on the subject.


Well-Known Member

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