Bulls, Bears & The Lion


Well-Known Member
I am not sure what that means...

but this was the reason for sort of pull back... and it was a dead cat bouncing...

dow may make 9700 9650 by friday... so we will be down below 4900
Asia has almost decoupled from US now. Markets are not able to fall as they were initially. Nifty is still 220 points from its low. That is a huge for me.


Well-Known Member

What are you suggesting?

Nol economic problems in Asia, US & Europe have having huge, unemployment, debt crisis. But how long can Asia hold, and how long can Europe hold, really no concret plans have evolved to come out of the EU crisis. My major doubt is countries that are having problems need to fund the stimulus, how can this loop be exited.

Pl throw some light.

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