Bulls, Bears & The Lion


Well-Known Member
I have been looking at a wave which invalidate above 5080 so it must stop near there and 3 days back there was a gap created by the gap down... it got filled today at 5070
that means ur stoploss will be 5080 spot or future????

since it is almost taken by th time writing of this message


Well-Known Member
My stop is going to be 5095-5110 zone..that is in NF
1> i didnt get it.........when u r saying pattern will be diminished on 5080 then why are ur stoploss is 5095-5100 when it should be around 5085 and which is breaken so itself it is giving bullish signal so u have to get out with loss(sorry for my ignorance)......
2> i think u r playing with fire since if tomorrow, market open with gap up 40-50 points then ur fingers will burn (i have seen usually when market increase in last 30 mins then they open gap up)
but better u know.............i am a newbie and hence learning........


Well-Known Member
Every possibility of a gap up... otherwise there is no way to break out of this channel..
But I am willing to take this risk... talking about why I changed my stop because it is still trading inside sweet zone... lets see how the job numbers look today.



Well-Known Member
Every possibility of a gap up... otherwise there is no way to break out of this channel..
But I am willing to take this risk... talking about why I changed my stop because it is still trading inside sweet zone... lets see how the job numbers look today.

By looking ur chart........i am a bit confused, it looks like that if nifty gaps up tomorrow then bearish season will end.......... tomorrow is aar ya paar (its probability is quite possible) but on other hands if it will remain below 5120 lvl then it can go all the way to 4910 or maybe lower (probability is less)............

pls tell me whether i am rt or wrong (it will help me to learn

thanks and regards
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Well-Known Member
By looking ur chart........i am a bit confused, it looks like that if nifty gaps up tomorrow then bearish season will end.......... tomorrow is aar ya paar (its probability is quite possible) but on other hands if it will remain 5130 lvl then it can go all the way to 4910 or maybe lower (probability is less)............

pls tell me whether i am rt or wrong (it will help me to learn

thanks and regards
hi Jassi,

I have not understood how have you calculated levels of 5130 & 4910 looking at this graph.
Appreciate your inputs.


Well-Known Member
hi Jassi,

I have not understood how have you calculated levels of 5130 & 4910 looking at this graph.
Appreciate your inputs.
Disclaimer: i am a newbie

actually i have noticed the last high bar which looking like 5120-5130 and similarly last bar low which is 4937 but for bearishness, it should get pierced (4910 lvl is vikaas's lvl)..


Well-Known Member
Warning... go long if you like but play safe... I see DOW below 9000 and SPX below 900 in time to come... and we may not see 5400 anytime soon

I have never traded Declining triangle formations and would like to see some expert comments on it. Yes PT bhai your Tukka Comments too :)


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