Charts for the Day

sail is on verge of break out
Ravi, You spotted a gem. I do not know how/why sail is doing what it is doing but it is going to crank up in the coming months. I recently recommended it to friends and family and personally have been adding small numbers on good dips. Seems like has very good potential to double in a year or two. I would be looking to add more at 40-45 levels. :thumb:
An unsolicited advice:

Many of here may love some leader/party and they try to trade accordingly. I mean many are not in agreement with demonetization, so they must be looking out on short side or liquidating their holdings. Dont engage yourself in that mode. Let the chart speak for you. You are not here to make money for your leader/party but for your family.
If there is a trade on long side in some stock according to your analysis go for it. Follow your rules and you will never disappoint. If there is a trade to go short or cut your holdings as you read weakness go exercise it, dont just sit as you support demonetization and you think economy will improve with that. Thats pure form of bullshit for technical analysis. We are not here to judge what is right or wrong. Be ruthless, if you have trade go for it, else sit outside...just watch...

Dont loose your hard earned money...
Nice Bearish pattern in Axis Bank Future and most of the future charts showing similar bearish signal. Will market end in red on monday?...
What would be the target for this bearish bat pattern ?

BTW, to upload images/charts, please upload them first on an external website and paste the link here. I have uploaded it on


Axis bank seems to be a leader in converting demonetised notes off the counter...Anyways, stock is well under pressure already since late september once it breached 50 SMA with volumes too large.After that every rally failed to clear even 20 SMA...Thats a sign of weakness isnt it...A persistent selling pressure where every rally till 20 SMA getting sold into...


Well-Known Member

Axis bank in its own league its continuing in same direction irrespective of index

Axis bank seems to be a leader in converting demonetised notes off the counter...Anyways, stock is well under pressure already since late september once it breached 50 SMA with volumes too large.After that every rally failed to clear even 20 SMA...Thats a sign of weakness isnt it...A persistent selling pressure where every rally till 20 SMA getting sold into...