Charts for the Day

Our monday morning first hour figure to watch for 5995 and above 6035. We expected strength above 6030-35, and market opened gap and moved higher. In quest yesterday it move higher and close above 50 DMA daily now at 6050. So it will be worth to watch here, if at all corrects upto here.

We expected real face off at 6120, where nifty struggling to move above. As of now a a real pivot zone getting formed at 6096, and if unable to clear it off, is a sign of weakness. As expiry week, shocks will be there, and momentum signals bound to whipsaw.

Our reference level above is coming at 6145.
signs of weakness or signs of struggle? It has neither broken upwards or downwards... ? In 5 min spot chart, volume is with bulls ...
Nifty update:

On upside, consider 6095 still as resistance and sustaining activity by 5min bars in opening is a sign of strength. This is for opening hour only.

On hourly short term momentum is down, but flattening long term is misleading the direction, need to see opening cues and 10 am hourly closing.

On daily, below 6040 it will be bearish, downside support zone is 5995 as regular readers know. If opened upside and resisted at 6080 is sign of bearishness.
Strength on daily above 6120, and can test 6135-40, a reference level for nifty this series.
Nifty update:

Lowering strength above level for intraday to 6085. Lets see market is hovering near to Hawala 6050. On downside just a few points away from 6040, but momentum is lacking.

With expiry close tomorrow and also monthly close coming on friday, so it will be watchable how it closes on monthly, a bull in force will try to close above recent resistance of 6120-25, while bear in action will make all efforts to put it down and close below 5950 zone.

Nifty update:

We are lowering again the upside intraday resistance to 6075-80. Above it chances of testing 6120 and higher will arise.
On downside support zone is marked at 6095.

If i look at 30 minute charts, momentum favouring testing of 5970 zone. But daily momentum still in sideways mode.

Opps man better to stick with hourly, let the clarity emerge, else holding shorts as of now.

Resistance zone stands out for intraday at 6066 zone, sustaining action of 5min chart above this is a bulls zone.
Sustaining means a few 5min bars above this and holding it safely.

Trading strategy as of now is,We are contracting our levels so that any breakout on upside should not be missed.