Charts for the Day


for Apollo hospitals I can see a Pennat being broken (not now but earlier) on the upside.

Does it look good to buy on correction (approx 900 is 200 DMA)

Please dont trouble yourself to put nice charts a simple answer would help me


for Apollo hospitals I can see a Pennat being broken (not now but earlier) on the upside.

Does it look good to buy on correction (approx 900 is 200 DMA)

Please dont trouble yourself to put nice charts a simple answer would help me



I dont see a pennant earlier broken here. First of all there should be a almost a vertical move and second time consume in pennant is very small.

Now stock looking good on momentum scales. A stiff resistance at 960 levels if overcame can give good upside. A monthly close today above this is bullish one.

On lower side a retracement towards 200 dma is definately a buy case.

Point to post DLF is, just scanning on weekly charts, stock looking promising.
On daily it is forming ascending triangle formation, and it is holding 50 DMA too nicely and 50 DMA has started moving UP. Implying medium term momentum has turned up already, and stock may break on upside.

Resistance at 178 / 185. Above 185 only its a flier stock. On downside, on weekly 140 is a good support zone.

If stock has strength then 178-80 levels should be broken swiftly. Immediate short term support at 155 odd levels, where 50 DMA also coming right now.

I am not a big fan of real estate stock, but watching weekly chart, its looking great, if breached on upside. So just cautioning anybody holding out there.

Have a nice day...
Dear a1b1trader and saravananKS,

Your bearish analysis is like a smart trader on opposite side whenever i am looking out for a long. Anyways jokes apart, as of now stock holding price levels and will be caution mode today if DLF closes below 160 odd levels today.

Lets see and track closely if bearish action supports it or not.

On intraday, first sign of struggling will be when stock will spent time below 169 levels and breached 165 levels swiftly.

DLF charging up, stock up 2.35% as of now. Lets see where it ends. By the way there is a stiff resistance at 176-178 if crossed then 185. Above that a good upside.

Just two cents from me,'Trail it'.
Wise words of Gann....

Never get the idea in your head that you can or will hold
a stock until it goes your way. This is nothing but pure
stubbornness and is not based on any sound logic or reasoning.
In case of doubt, get out. Do not hesitate. Delays
are always dangerous. Do as the insiders do: If they can
not get what they want, they take what they can get; if the
market will not take what they have to offer, they offer what
it will take; if the market will not go their way, they go its
way. A wise man changes his mind, a fool never.

Look at your charts; do what they tell you. If they do not
show a change in trend, wait. Protect profits with stop
loss order, but do not take a profit too soon. This is just
as bad as taking a loss too late. Patience to hold on when
you are right and nerve to get out quickly when you are
wrong will make a success.
Nifty update:

All intraday reading marked on chart. Now many are suspecting this is a shakeout to weak bulls. Really i dont know how they deduce that.

But if i refer my key levels, then it breached my key level of 6295 on daily with volumes, so below this i am bound to be bearish. Also on momentum scales, short will be down today if closing is here nearby 6250 levels.
A intermediate is already in sell, and a likely sell tomorrow if closes below 6225 tomorrow. So it means a short term top sets in on Nifty. But dont worry, we will trade a step at a time.
And right now, signals are prompting weakness. So until we observe some sign of strength on atleast hourly, it would be nice to sell rallies on daily.

Hope i am clear, what i mean and my key point for the day is 6295. So lets see where the closing coming in.

Since our entry from 340 levels we did part book near to 400 levels. And then again on 17th december we revised Stoploss to 405 on closing basis. While seeing todays action till 3:15 pm we exited stock at 450 levels.

Min you stock still in uptrend on weekly and if you remember we had some multi year tgts near to 900-1000 for this one. But for this swing its over, we will again position ourself in the corrective action to be followed by or wait for proper momentum based action to enter into.
Hi Anil,

Warm Greetings and Wishing you too and all the very best in 2014.

Could you please do a Charting & technical study of Maharashtra Seamless CMP:Rs 164

Currently the volumes are increasing and Delivery is 100%, fundamentally it is a very
good stock, though going thru' a downturn now,

I am holding Qty: 800 @ price : Rs 330/- since Sept 2012.

Thanks so very much.