Come into the Trader's Den

Dear AW10,

I visited this forum today in search of trading in futures & options. The stuff you have given to the people is appreciative. I admire about you that you have the patience to think about other. I dont have the words to thank you.

Anyhow the reason behind writing this message is that i am a new baby in this futures & options and in one day the amount of knowledge i got is unforgatbble and i think it is because of the people like you, who has the wisdom to share your knowledge.

If possible & if time permits, please answer my querries.

Thanks in advance.:thumb:


Well-Known Member

I will not have time to post in the next few day. As I wanted to post an interview with Jim Dalton over the weekend, I did it already yesterday here, as there was some sort of market analyzing discussion going on :

Placebo has mentioned his name last weekend and so it was in my head.

You may can use some stuff.

Take care



Well-Known Member
i need one technique for day trading(in cash), which can give consistent profits

pls suggest
nilesh mishra
There is no technique that guarantee you consistent profits. Every one has its up's and down. The most important factors other than the technique is MONEY MANAGEMENT, USE OF STRICT STOP LOSS, UN YIELDING TO EMOTIONS DURING TRADE. These three play a crucial role in day trading. The Strategies adopted have only 25% of role in your profits. More over, the strategies that you need depend on the risk appetite of of yours. What is the risk reward ratio that your prefer.

So in my view go through this forum and also in various forums, in which you have in plenty the various techniques discussed. Just select a few, and do some paper trades, and then select the one that suits you the most. These were the steps that i followed before finally deciding to choose one technique for my trading. Have some charting software for guidance.

P.S: My selection of technique for trading is nearing completion, and i am yet to do real trades, at present i am following some paper trades.



Well-Known Member

You may missed this interview with Marc Faber which I think, he speaks in very clear words about politics and economy. Very strait forward.

He also speaks about the volatility we will have in the future in the markets and what he thinks about that and finally, at the end, about metals.

Marc Faber is a person, which is in general bearish and he predicted in the past a lot of crashes all over the world.

1987 / 17 of October, two days before the black Monday, he predicted a chance in the US share market.

1989 / 15 of December. He predicts to sell all Japanese shares. From then until October 1999 Nikkei225 losses 40% of his value.

1997 / 13 of August, he predicts a bitter end in the astonishing rise of the Asian markets. In the following months, banks, share markets and Asian currencies crashed.

2000 / 31 of January, he clearly tells, that the prices on the NASDAQ shares are not realistic. As we know, in Mar 2000 we saw the crash.

2007 Before the real begin of the financial crisis, he warned the people and recommended them to sell and stay away from the market, expect metals. In spring 2009 he told the people, they now can invest again in shares and he was right both times.

2010 / 7 of July, he recommends again to invest in shares and gold. Will he be right again ?

We will see. Until then

Take care

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Well-Known Member

You may missed this interview with Marc Faber which I think, he speaks in very clear words about politics and economy. Very strait forward.

He also speaks about the volatility we will have in the future in the markets and what he thinks about that and finally, at the end, about metals.

Marc Faber is a person, which is in general bearish and he predicted in the past a lot of crashes all over the world.

1987 / 17 of October, two days before the black Monday, he predicted a chance in the US share market.

1989 / 15 of December. He predicts to sell all Japanese shares. From then until October 1999 Nikkei225 losses 40% of his value.

1997 / 13 of August, he predicts a bitter end in the astonishing rise of the Asian markets. In the following months, banks, share markets and Asian currencies crashed.

2000 / 31 of January, he clearly tells, that the prices on the NASDAQ shares are not realistic. As we know, in Mar 2000 we saw the crash.

2007 Before the real begin of the financial crisis, he warned the people and recommended them to sell and stay away from the market, expect metals. In spring 2009 he told the people, they now can invest again in shares and he was right both times.

2010 / 7 of July, he recommends again to invest in shares and gold. Will he be right again ?

We will see. Until then

Take care


Marc Faber, as you rightly said, always talk about bearish markets. He is thirsty for blood bath. Mostly when one watches his interviews, it develops in us a word of pessimistic feeling about the market, than the cautious approach.

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