Come into the Trader's Den


Well-Known Member

As we are still in the beginner section of this forum, I highly recommend this closed thread from rajendrany.

A wonderful journey with great members of this forum. A lot to learn and to think over.

I recommend this thread to all, and I mean ALL the newbies in our thread and forum.

As we never will start trading at the begin as a full time job, we all go through a phase, where we will be so called " Part time trader ".

The following thread is about that and it is not to extended, that the journey to read through it, never will end. Take your time to go through.

Take care



Well-Known Member

As we are still in the beginner section of this forum, I highly recommend this closed thread from rajendrany.

A wonderful journey with great members of this forum. A lot to learn and to think over.

I recommend this thread to all, and I mean ALL the newbies in our thread and forum.

As we never will start trading at the begin as a full time job, we all go through a phase, where we will be so called " Part time trader ".

The following thread is about that and it is not to extended, that the journey to read through it, never will end. Take your time to go through.

Take care

Hi Dan,

Thanks for sharing wonderful thread. It is very simple method to start with.
Just want to check my understanding level.
I checked NS graph after reading strategy. Based on that following were the points for today's trade.

PH : 5476 (dated 13th Aug)
PL : 5397 (dated 16th Aug)

So by keeping margin of 10 points on both side. I have to place order in following way
Long : Above 5486 (5476+10)
Short : Below 5387 (5397-10)

This mean today my long would have got created. & My stop loss at this moment is PL - margin which is 5387.

Am I reading plot correctly? Have I understood it correctly?

Hi All,

Will it be ok if I post for few days about new PH & PL & run this hypothetical trade on this thread?

I am requesting this as most of the senior guys are here & I can get guidance in case my interpretation is wrong.


Well-Known Member
Hi Dan,

Thanks for sharing wonderful thread. It is very simple method to start with.
Just want to check my understanding level.
I checked NS graph after reading strategy. Based on that following were the points for today's trade.

PH : 5476 (dated 13th Aug)
PL : 5397 (dated 16th Aug)

So by keeping margin of 10 points on both side. I have to place order in following way
Long : Above 5486 (5476+10)
Short : Below 5387 (5397-10)

This mean today my long would have got created. & My stop loss at this moment is PL - margin which is 5387.

Am I reading plot correctly? Have I understood it correctly?

Hi All,

Will it be ok if I post for few days about new PH & PL & run this hypothetical trade on this thread?

I am requesting this as most of the senior guys are here & I can get guidance in case my interpretation is wrong.
Hi rrmhatre72

I recommended his thread, because I liked the way it is made and I liked the clear overlook it has. All the necessary stuff a trader needs is explained in his well-ordered thread.

As we have every day new members in the forum, I thought it is a great help for real new comers in trading to read at the begin of there journey through such a thread. It gives a real good basic on many subject and in the future the readers will be able to build up there knowledge on those subjects.

Still, I stick to my own strategies As I do not trade his idea, it would be wrong to comment on your question. I guess, you should open a new thread, in case you want to further trade his strategy and have a lot of questions on the positions you want to take.

As I read AW10 first post in this thread, where he explains the reasons for opening the traders Den room, it is written :

This thread is not to
- learn TA,
- new Strategy
- seek tips from other
- sell tips to other
- boast about ourselves and our P&L

(quite possible our discussion will eventually come to these points but rather then discussing details here, we can always go to new/existing threads).

If you open a new thread with the strategy you want to trade, there will be people which will follow your thread and they also will comment on it. If seniors are interested in it, they also will comment on your question in such a new thread. Do not worry about that.

Any way, thanks for your help in this thread.

Take care



Well-Known Member
Hi Dan,

Thanks for sharing wonderful thread. It is very simple method to start with.
Just want to check my understanding level.
I checked NS graph after reading strategy. Based on that following were the points for today's trade.

PH : 5476 (dated 13th Aug)
PL : 5397 (dated 16th Aug)

So by keeping margin of 10 points on both side. I have to place order in following way
Long : Above 5486 (5476+10)
Short : Below 5387 (5397-10)

This mean today my long would have got created. & My stop loss at this moment is PL - margin which is 5387.

Am I reading plot correctly? Have I understood it correctly?

Hi All,

Will it be ok if I post for few days about new PH & PL & run this hypothetical trade on this thread?

I am requesting this as most of the senior guys are here & I can get guidance in case my interpretation is wrong.
Please do not believe everything you read on an online forum over the internet. Test it thoroughly to find out the flaws in it. Knowing the limitations will do you more good than a hundred lads bragging about how good it is or how much money it had made them.

Whenever i get into a discussion there is one thing i always emphasize. Markets are dynamic by nature and hence they inevitably change their nature at some point of time or the other. So check the overall economic/general conditions in which things have looked pretty and where they look dull.

Hope This Helps

- Placebo


Well-Known Member
Hi Dan,

Thanks for sharing wonderful thread. It is very simple method to start with.
Just want to check my understanding level.
I checked NS graph after reading strategy. Based on that following were the points for today's trade.

PH : 5476 (dated 13th Aug)
PL : 5397 (dated 16th Aug)

So by keeping margin of 10 points on both side. I have to place order in following way
Long : Above 5486 (5476+10)
Short : Below 5387 (5397-10)

This mean today my long would have got created. & My stop loss at this moment is PL - margin which is 5387.

Am I reading plot correctly? Have I understood it correctly?

Hi All,

Will it be ok if I post for few days about new PH & PL & run this hypothetical trade on this thread?

I am requesting this as most of the senior guys are here & I can get guidance in case my interpretation is wrong.
why don't u post in Rajendrani's original thread and activate it.
Quite possible, Rajendrani will get email about it and might come to post his view on your posts.

that way, all the discussion on a thread remains in same thread.
You can post the link to your post here so that visitors here can access yr post and make comment if they want.

hope you see my point.

happy trading.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the warm words.
Coming to your data either there is something drastically wrong with it or I am terribly slow on the uptake.
Pl clarify a few thing for me:
1. You are looking only at uptrend.
2. What does the figure 66 infornt of 5 mean? ......
Look forward to your clarification.
TT, I owe you a reply for this post. Sorry about the delay. just not able to get time for it, specially when my friend from last 24 yrs is in the city with his family.

Just a quick 1 line reply - you are not wrong in your observations.. probably it was my fault that I did not gave the conditions/rules/assumption of my analysis clearly. Anyway, will explain it later.

Have a nice weekend.


Well-Known Member
TT, I owe you a reply for this post. Sorry about the delay. just not able to get time for it, specially when my friend from last 24 yrs is in the city with his family.

Just a quick 1 line reply - you are not wrong in your observations.. probably it was my fault that I did not gave the conditions/rules/assumption of my analysis clearly. Anyway, will explain it later.

Have a nice weekend.
Hi AW10

As hard business traders, we never can excuse our selfs with any family or what ever friends turning up sorrys.:annoyed:

As posters in this thread we can :)

Enjoy your weekend:)



Well-Known Member

He has also advocated investing in certain smaller Asian frontier markets such as Sri Lanka and Cambodia, and currently serves as an Advisor to Leopard Capital’s Leopard Sri Lanka Fund. [7] However, he is not fully bullish on all Asian nations, as he remains skeptical of India's future - "India as we know it will not survive another 30 or 40 years".[8]
Yikes .. If you guys think that he is damn good then we are in problem

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