Come into the Trader's Den


Well-Known Member

I guess, now I have to bring my part as I started the whole journey. I hope, it was not to provocative. Thanks for the post from you and thanks to SG for his final word. ( I was hopping, that he once gives a comment on a topic which is discussed here in the trader Dan and I was hopping it is this time )

For my part, I have learned with all this post's you made and so I have to say thank you to you and thanks to take the time to write thoughts down. If you learned only by watching us discussing that subject, so it has done its work also for you.

I do not value any strategy for what ever. For me, it doe's not make any sense a toll. For what should I value any strategy to be nearest at any thought's, which points in a direction which is not really valuable for me ( As I only can talk for me and not for others ).

In my opinion it is as oilmen mentioned : it is discretionary.

There are trading plans for different market situations and I or you implement them when you think, that the odds are in the favor.

Timing the entries and placing the entries on probability is what I do and is what I was teached. Some times like this and some times like that.

Tnsn2345 has mentioned the importances to understand such variable strategies. I do not say, that any body has to understand such an amount of different strategies which I showed. I would recommend three. As the market only can go three ways: Up or down or sideways.

Placebo has mentioned the timing entry which in certain cases are a big bangs. Pull backs are only one of this events for such big bangs.

As I trade options and hedged futures, I look at certain things surely different than pure future traders. That is what I also recognized during the time I am in traderji.

Finally, SG has brought it to the point ( At least in my mind ) :

For Intraday Traders.... Be A Reluctant Buyer & Eager Seller

For Positional Traders.... Be A Reluctant Buyer & Patient Seller

Thank you and have a nice weekend



Well-Known Member
Dear Dan,

A nice summation, but I doubt the spirit or could be my illusion.

Have a nice weekend.

Hi tnsn2345

That would be your decision after reading what you could read in privacy by your self.

As there was a cross over, the time you posted some post and I wrote some other stuff, it is after you to decide.

I am clear about what I have learned here or in other words, how I have to explain and keep certain thought's as simple as possible by being involved in the last short journey.

Some times in trading, we all know, that we know this and this but we not have the right words for it. So we go for explanations around the world to the moon and come back.

Suddenly, there is some body from outside and just pumps in a few tiny words and we recognize, that are the words we were locking for.

This kind of determination of our thoughts makes us becoming more successful traders.

If you doubt this kind of spirit, you may have to think over the reasons, why to post like you do.

I am clear, that also posting is not always as friendly as we may hope it will be recognized by others. ( And you can believe me, that I some times go very angry about that ) Finally, I always compare it to trading. How many times we wanted the market to be friendly to us and then we learned, that is not the way the market act.

Posting in an open forum is a journey and a risk at the same time. As you got equal informations ( and you surely did with the last post from us here in the Den's room ), we give and we take.

So, let the flow go to the next topic and hope, that the ones which only read and never give maybe once have the courage to post like we posters do at the moment.

Take care



Well-Known Member

Let Me Clarify... Something Before It Becomes A Heated Topic Of Discussion

Two Lines In Bold Posted Earlier By Me.... Is In No Way Contrary To The Present Discussion & Observations....By Other Friends Here Including DanPickUp.

Very Doubtful....Whether, Anybody Will Remember All That Is Written Here... Chances Are That Those Two Lines Cannot Be Easily Forgotten.

Remembering Those Lines Should Keep Traders From Making Grave Mistakes In Entry, Exit & Etc....

Happy & Safer Trading



Well-Known Member
Dear Placebo,

I think over a period of time every trader develops a method which will give him a reasonable indication of what I discussed above. Now to what extent the definition of time is accurate would depend some thought and analysis of circumstances prevailing at that point of time. It will all depend on the method one uses for trading, I had mentioned somewhere on this forum that I use just plain candlesticks (after using and dumping most of the indicators, charts available), for me it is now a 'glimpse' of a candlestick chart which helps me tap the pulse of the underlying. For you it could be something else.

The initial predictions of Time may not be accurate or may be partially right or partially wrong but over a period of time consistency will increase. There will be a lot of heartburn when your desired direction and movement happens after you have exited at the end of your holding period i.e. your defined Time. But with patience and practice one can overcome this.

Again, I have quoted somewhere on this forum : Treat trading decisions as per Indian legal system which states that - the law can afford to acquit a guilty due to benefit of doubt /lack of evidence just to ensure that an innocent is not convicted. Similarly, in trading, we can afford to let go a very high 'probable' opportunity due to some 'element of doubt/lack of compelling evidence' just to 'ensure' that we don't pick the wrong trades and lose.

Well said , seemed like quotes and dialogues from soap operas specially the last part : Treat trading decisions as per Indian legal system ... lol

Anyways that still does not answer anything. The question of plotting max time and min time still remains an open question. Never Mind that now .

Cheers And happy Trading


Well-Known Member
Hi tnsn2345

That would be your decision after reading what you could read in privacy by your self.....
Dear Dan,

I believe in being more accomodative than being offensive, not that this was original me, but trading has taught me atleast this.

Let's move on.


Very Doubtful....Whether, Anybody Will Remember All That Is Written Here... Chances Are That Those Two Lines Cannot Be Easily Forgotten.

Dear Savant,

Absolutely no doubt about what you have said and more so that it is easy to remember crisp statements, quotes, rhymes and all.

But you would agree that the essence of learning, transmission of thoughts/ideas and impact a book can have in one's life cannot be had by reading the backcover of a book which gives the jist of the book and recommedation by critics and admirers et al. But by turning page after page and putting bookmarks before we doze off in deeper thoughts offered on a particular page.

Dear All,

Through discussions, debates we learn, we share some, take some and leave some. It is for one to pick and choose what suits best for him in this crowd of information. Some find it easy to choose, some difficult, some have clarity of thought, some need more inputs. We will find all types of personalities here. Slow or fast we all are learners here.



Well-Known Member
AW10 and Experts ,

Thanks AW10 for this wonderful thread and NR7 :)

Please enlighten us on the following

How to do a roll over analysis ?
ie how to interpret if a stock is rolling over on the long or short side ?

I see technical analysts saying that 85% of rollover is completed etc.

Is there any direct relationship between Open interest build up vs delivery qty ?

Relationship between intraday cash volume vs Future volumes ratio etc.

Which determines the Intraday trend Future volume or the cash volume ?

Intraday Futures OI change vs Intraday PCR ratio etc.

How to interpret FII statistics on Futures/OPtions/Delivery.

Thanks a ton in advance.

Note:- I posted earlier the same question to Raunak ji and he redirected
me to AW10.



Well-Known Member
A generalised strategy for stock trading
1] market /nifty has upbiased.............appln , play break out or strong stock in strong sector.
2] Bearish market/nifty down bias ..........appln, play reversal from top for good stock OR break down in laggard sector
3] volatile or narrow range market.......appln,first here play only the stock u know/the sector u work,..u know where support is,.......just correlate to find dynamic support,......simply buy........if price is holding.......then book profit at 7-8 % profit.
Dont choose break out/break down NOW.Pl see the relation between result out vs. price reaction on expected result.
This shall give enough profit strategically in present indian market.


Well-Known Member
A generalised strategy for stock trading
1] market /nifty has upbiased.............appln , play break out or strong stock in strong sector.
2] Bearish market/nifty down bias ..........appln, play reversal from top for good stock OR break down in laggard sector
3] volatile or narrow range market.......appln,first here play only the stock u know/the sector u work,..u know where support is,.......just correlate to find dynamic support,......simply buy........if price is holding.......then book profit at 7-8 % profit.
Dont choose break out/break down NOW.Pl see the relation between result out vs. price reaction on expected result.
This shall give enough profit strategically in present indian market.
Sir, I did not understand anything in this posting at all, was this posting in contest of something what you has written early here only. Kindly explain in easy language for all fellows benifit.

Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Its very simple,.......i have written because presently Indian Market is in 3rd state.
So how to play? NONO to bullish or Bearish style.
Come to Range bound market......Suitable style is BUY on support.....or intra week swing.
Make a small Target.....Use momentum......just enter & exit with small profit.
skill of execution is Imp now.........just see Raunak's trade on nifty ( available in some other thread...explained by a picture clearly)
since discussion has move up philosophical , let us comeback to earth .
Ya........i enjoy the enjoy last 5page write up .........may be the best thread ,presently in traderji.
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