Current news & Rumours in the mkt

praveen taneja

Well-Known Member
South Korea plans to prepare additional measures to reduce sharp swings in capital flows by the end of this year, following legislative steps to re-impose a tax on foreign bond holders.

praveen taneja

Well-Known Member
local buying heared in reliance >local = local mf / dii let btst people to shed thier yst`s load dig mkt for more reason ..

praveen taneja

Well-Known Member
Ireland begins two nervous weeks of political maneuvering on Tuesday as the government dares the opposition to block an austerity budget on which a multi-billion euro EU/IMF bailout is riding--- So loan is not cleared yet final technical sup 5932 broken nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

praveen taneja

Well-Known Member
News update: South korean govt calls for emergency security min meeting, military says on highest non war alert after north korea fires artillery shells in to south korean islands

praveen taneja

Well-Known Member
China's iron ore imports from India down 44% in Oct
Nov. 24, 2010 - China, the world's biggest buyer of iron ore, imported 2.91 million tons of iron ore from India in October this year, decreasing 44% year on year or 39% month on month, and the share of India's total iron ore exports in the Chinese market decreased to 6.4%, sources reported. The decrease is mainly due to the recent export restriction by Karnataka state of India, which contributes one fourth of India's iron ore exports to China. Meanwhile, China's tightened iron ore import policy also affected the import volume in October. China's iron ore imports edged down 13% month on month to 45.71 million tons last month, with some Chinese buyers have started purchasing iron ore from Brazil, whose iron ore exports to China rose 3.3% year on year to 11.78 million tons

praveen taneja

Well-Known Member
A U.S. aircraft carrier headed toward the Korean peninsula on Wednesday, a day after North Korea launched dozens of artillery shells on a South Korean island Pls confirm at your level

praveen taneja

Well-Known Member
why d b realty down ?? -- mkt news / street news says former maharashtra C M `s backing... after his outpost .. stock has come down
some big problem with realty stocks .. after scam many are being raided ..

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