Day Trading Stocks & Futures


Well-Known Member
crude oil is sinking and sinking . anyone holding short ?
Due to lower demand and recession fears, the price is falling. To prop up the price some countries threaten war with Venezuela and Iran.. o_O
[if there is a war, crude supplies will be stopped, etc ]


Well-Known Member
But these kind of bars will tend to take out stops, do you re-enter at higher price or something ?

btw, its post 61k, TR bhai, too much traffic from your network on TJ :DD
Yes, re-entry will be there as per system..I trade a mechanical system,with aggressive MM..

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someone sent a message that the fall happened just after donald trump announced that his administration would terminate india's access to the generalised system of preferences trade program

2.5 lakh nifty contracts sold in under a minute
Whoever sold would have made hell lot of money.

But I think there is restriction on how much nifty or banknifty contract you can buy or sold .
2500 banknifty and 5000 nifty , I think.

Or is it for options only . Dont have that much capital for futures anyways . But saw the restriction in option buying for nifty.


Well-Known Member
someone sent a message that the fall happened just after donald trump announced that his administration would terminate india's access to the generalised system of preferences trade program

2.5 lakh nifty contracts sold in under a minute
The fact is whether he terminates or not India will grow.. and become more self reliant and independent .. sooner or later it makes India more competitive :)


low risk profile
Looks like the zoom up moment is nearing.. but its end of day... tomorrow gap up ..likely :)
Gap up no problem but if its gapdown as expected then it means bas* operators just screwed put holders.
few weeks ago similarly they just not allowed nifty to fall below 11700 , I had puts then of 45 Rs , as puts were not increasing i had to sold at loss. next day huge gapdown and puts opened around 110-120 and after few days became Rs 400+. when nifty hit around 11200/300. Lets see on monday if same story this time happens.
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