Day Trading Stocks & Futures


low risk profile
31200 PE high 370 now :confused: , this option price based on future is crap on weekly expiries , at this same level 30860 , my put was at 280-90 level , now it is at 320 as with less than 30 minutes to expiry , option price will track index now.


Well-Known Member
31200 PE high 370 now :confused: , this option price based on future is crap on weekly expiries , at this same level 30860 , my put was at 280-90 level , now it is at 320 as with less than 30 minutes to expiry , option price will track index now.
Look at the CHG_OI, change in OI for next week 13/jun BN. Weaker hands on both sides have run for cover.

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