No population control means.... No potable water for the coming generation, expensive housing, Shortage of Food grains, Higher crude imports, massive deforestation and dwindling wildlife, outbreak of diseases like nipah virus etc etc. This list is long. If we start today, it will take us another 20 years before we can see optimal levels of population.
I agree with vikas that forcing people may not be the best way. But government could give incentive to people who follow population guidelines.
@iwillwin I dont think population control means reducing the numbers by half
India will still have the demographic advantage. Only that the rate of population growth has to slow down. Now Indians are busy making kids by the dozen. That needs to stop. Moreover we dont have to care about foreign Institutions/stock markets. We have to do what is best for our people in the long term. That means water, education, health care etc. All of it this can be done without any FII involvement. We have enough resources to fend for ourselves.