Day Trading Stocks & Futures


Well-Known Member
they r providing service .. in absence of that they wont be able to provide this service... imagine u have to offload 10000 shares of reliance and no buyers.... so its justified but to what extent depends on the country, exchanges etc etc..
Yes but how can the exchange subsidize gov taxes for them for the entire market ? exchanges fees are nowhere near gov taxes. Do you have any links with details on how market making works in india. Whatever little i could find only mentioned limited market making for illiquid derivatives.

Anyway, i have vented enough here. There is nothing we can do but adapt to the ever changing rules ..


Well-Known Member
i am no expert, but the highlighted part is an assumption. If it were true, then global markets would have an even bigger effect of this as HFT is more prevalent. Assuming that is not true then the 1st assumption is not true ...

More and more people will get pushed to options due to these regulations. But still if volume was high enough then you should have lower impact cost and not vv.

Anyway, no amount of posting will change anything. Only thing we can do is adapt. I guess paying for leverage via loans will increase as travi said ..
Well that assumption has come from experience. What i tried to explain was how hft increase the cost of option sellers specifically as compared to future traders where there is no need to adjust. And in our market majority of the volume is in options as the cost is way less in it. Globally also the effect is there but as majority of the volume there is not in options so the effect is less.

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