Diary of a day trader - Part 2


Well-Known Member
No idea...I had infact asked then to give more information about who are the people behind that broking house,their experience, branch network etc....but I dont see that thread in the morning.....

you are right. In the morning the thread is vanished. But I think the member himself can't delete it right? So maybe Admin himself might deleted it. Can you please ask the admin or anyone related to it for the reason behind the deletion of this thread if possible?

Oh just find out that the User dinesh tyagi is not banned. It is deleted completely, and on user search it is showing as there was no registration for dinesh tyagi.
No idea...I had infact asked them to give more information about who are the people behind that broking house,their experience, branch network etc....but I dont see that thread in the morning.....

As moderator you will be able to see whether it is in deleted threads list ?? Or confirm the id Dinesh Tiagi being banned or something ?
As moderator you will be able to see whether it is in deleted threads list ?? Or confirm the id Dinesh Tiagi being banned or something ?
I can see only if I or any other Mod has deleted it. If Traderji or Admin deletes, I cannot see.

I dont see the Dinesh Tiagi ID also....:confused:



Well-Known Member
I have a confusion in currency.

What I noticed is that All the 4 pairs that is traded on our exchanges are more or less are co-related.

For example take EUR-INR and USD-INR:

What I know is EURO and Dollar index is inversely related to each other. So when USD goes up EUR goes down. But how both EUR-INR and USD-INR goes up and down together?

Nifty took 49 days to reach from 6111.80( 29 jan 2013) to 5477.20 level ( 10 April 2013) .......... and Nifty took only 18 days to reach from 5477.20 ( 10 April 2013) to 6084.70 level( todays high) almost near 6111.80 R level and during this uptrend there is also no swing high/low..... only steep upward movement.

So in my view........ present nifty uptrend is suspicious and not sustainable and soon we will see downward movement..........:)

This is only my view....... i may be wrong also......:D:lol:
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