Dissecting the Nest Plus Auto Trading API

hi Radha55,

Thanks!! It worked.:).
I will now play around with the other functions to create a routine to manage my trades.

I have gone through this thread and the tips and insights provided by everyone earlier will help me immensely.

I will keep everyone posted on how things go.


Well-Known Member
What is the meaning of user-confirmed order as discussed in some previous posts of this thread?
There are two kinds of subscriptions to the Plus API -- retail and dealer -- that vary in cost and some features.

In the retail version, once a fresh PlaceOrder signal is sent to the API, the user would have to manually confirm the order from Nest / NOW. Till then, is does not reflect in the Order Book.This is probably what you refer to. For the dealer version, this semi-auto mode is not applicable.

Of course, there is no manual confirmation required for order modifications or cancellations.
What is the meaning of user-confirmed order as discussed in some previous posts of this thread?
To further illustrate Yusi's post: When a API order is generated, it opens another window in NEST which shows the data NEST received. Then you have to click on the 'Place' and it will open up the actual Buy or Sell Order Entry. Which also you have to confirm.

So unless I am doing something wrong, it is a 3 step process.

1. Send data through API
2. Confirm that NEST received the API data
3. Confirm the actual order

It would be nice to skip step #2 since it seems redundant. We need to confirm the actual order anyways. If anyone knows how to skip step #2, please let me know.



Well-Known Member

Nothing wrong in your observation. The manual confirmation is two-step -- one, a Place from the API Order Generated window; and second, a confirmation from the standard Buy/Sell windows. What I find interesting is that you are looking to eliminate the API Order window step; where as it is this window that list all the API orders and their changes either from the Trading Plugin or Nest Pulse.

Earlier, it was a single step. The Buy/Sell window confirmation was introduced near March 2014 with Plus 2.8. The justification, I was told, was that NSE had requested it !? As a result, operations that were earlier possible, such as using the Plus API as a basket order mechanism, went kaput.
Hi yusi,

I saw in a video (on another site) that they had multiple orders in the PlusAPI screen (pic attached). Is that what you are referring to regarding the Basket order functionality?

When I send a order to NEST, it opens a new PlusAPI window for each order. And I have to select 'Place' on each window and then confirm in the order entry screen.



Well-Known Member
Each time you create a new COM object, it will have a separate window. In AmiBroker, you can avoid creating a new object with CreateStaticObject.

There may not be an equivalent in Excel. If so, you will have to use Set plusObject = CreateObject("nest.plusapi") as a separate initialize action, and reuse the same plusObject in the order logic part of the code. This will show all orders in the same API Generated Orders window.

Nothing wrong in your observation. The manual confirmation is two-step -- one, a Place from the API Order Generated window; and second, a confirmation from the standard Buy/Sell windows. What I find interesting is that you are looking to eliminate the API Order window step; where as it is this window that list all the API orders and their changes either from the Trading Plugin or Nest Pulse.

Earlier, it was a single step. The Buy/Sell window confirmation was introduced near March 2014 with Plus 2.8. The justification, I was told, was that NSE had requested it !? As a result, operations that were earlier possible, such as using the Plus API as a basket order mechanism, went kaput.
A simple autoit script will make it 100% automated. If you need help with this, let me know.
I think autoit script can automate but it will involve activating the software and simulating the key presses required for creating the entry. In case the user is typing something else in the same time, it can effect this order placing using script
Yusi, I would like to know when using the nest plus auto trading plugin, can we modify using code the stop loss trigger price as the price moves, without any confirmation from user ?

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