Dissecting the Nest Plus Auto Trading API


Well-Known Member
trade100, placing a stop-loss order is the same as placing a limit order. For the retail subscription, manual confirmation would be required.

Modifying trigger price for a stoploss is also the same as modifying a limit order. No manual confirmation is needed. You could modify quantity, price, trigger price, disclosed quantity, validity (Day / IOC), order type (Limit / SL) depending on the situation.
I think autoit script can automate but it will involve activating the software and simulating the key presses required for creating the entry. In case the user is typing something else in the same time, it can effect this order placing using script
To avoid such scenario I would keep the trading system free from any user activity.
For the first time today I've used this API in real market. Here are my notes:

1. 2-step confirmation is required for orders to be placed. Once on API window, then next on order window.
2. Saves time - sure, but nowhere near automated execution.

This brings me to a question, if I get a dealer account, will it require no confirmation or still one?

Based on the answer to above question, I will either automate it 100% using AutoIT or signup for a dealer account.

If anyone is actually using it for real trading, I'd love to hear your experience, guys.
If anyone is actually using it for real trading, I'd love to hear your experience, guys.
Hi abhi121,

I started using it. And then stopped. I had to keep on making manual changes to the order.

I have to work out some logic issues in excel so the orders I send to NEST don't need to be changed manually. Currently I am facing issues like when to trade in equity v/s futures (depends on the share sizing), depending on cash or fno, I need to change the quantity and prices, round up the prices based on scrip, select quantity based on lot size, etc.

Half of the issues are taken care of. I should be able to start using the excel macros in another couple of weeks.

Also, I am not able to get the order status or use the modify call. I am not sure what is going wrong there. But even without that, I can still use the macros to initiate the orders for entry, SL and target. Once the initial part is done, I will work on the modifications to the open orders via the macros.

I have installed NestRTD yesterday and tested today live market and yesterday off market.

I am getting "Server STart error"

1) I am using Windows7 (x64).
2) I followed all the steps which are given in marketcalls.

Server Start Error in NestRTD error log and while in nest "Scrip RTD is not licensed"

Could anybody respond.

Thanking you in advance.


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