Elliott Wave Theory

...............................many bhailog requesting sbin counts... so may not be 100% correct but there may be a corrective cycle in sbin it may not be possible to be-leave in any such major correction coz modi wave has given bull fever making ppl thaink that indian markets are only made to go up!

Nifty Daily

Wave c target comes to 7720-54 . There is a gap over there and 100 sma is also around there. Expecting some fresh selling there.

Nifty Hourly

Hope to see Nifty take out 7600 on this upmove itself. If Nifty backs off from 7590+ and then again goes up to take out 7600 , then the ascending triangle target will push it to 7900+ . Let's see how it pans out.


Well-Known Member
Durgesh ji please give your view on arvind
Arvind Monthly Log Scale

The monthly chart shows one leg up is pending and there it might put in a major top. The monthly RSI is giving divergences.

Arvind Daily

One more leg upto 370 looks pending. It seems to be completing an abc correction at an uptrend line. The final upmove is about to begin perhaps.


Well-Known Member
Thank you so much

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