EoD Update of Fibotrader

Dear Soumya_b,
thanx for your great support to me and all the Fibotrader user.Now everything is working fine with my fibotrader.I have some points to discuss with u.
1. I am not getting the data for DhampurSugar and some other stock though they are in the mother file(.csv) u uplpaded
I think i am not doing the right thing to get it(i mean its my operational operational problem) would u please solve this problem?
2.whenever i start to see a chart for the first time the chart comes with a templete with a few big candles. then again i have to change the visible time span to 1 year or two years to get the decent chart.Is there a way to change the default template.
3.When the time span is small say 6 months the charts are showing in candlestick format when the time span 1 year or more it becomes a barchart.
is there any way to change the bar chart to candle or candle to bar?at any time?
4I found a option during data import that, after clicking ascii import option the window comes with a dialog box with two tabs "Preference" and "File".In the preference section if i check the save in folder and select a folder name,it comes with the same result as when i dont check the save in folder.
please tell me whats the diff. between checking the box and not checking the box .
4. I want to Keep the NSE and BSE data setarately is it possible? how fibotrader keeps the track of the stock of two diff exchage? is it only stock code ?(I think so) or two diff database for two diff exchanges?
5. How could u separate the stock according to the industry?If i want to separate the data of nse stock as A-G, H-N,O-U and so on what should I do?
please help to solve the problem.
And if u give me permission to be getting bored by me i could ask u about my problemsin future.
I think my post will bore many of our members who are not a new commers like me in the TA field specially In the Fibotrader software.may I mail you in your mail ID? please let me know.my mail Id is [email protected]

Thanx and regards
Debdulal Bhattacharyya
hello Mr. Debdulal Bhattacharyya/sdebu_2000

1. I am not getting the data for DhampurSugar and some other stock though they are in the mother file(.csv) u uplpaded
search The Dhampur Sugar Mills Ltd.(DHAMPURSUG). U'll get ur data.

2.whenever i start to see a chart for the first time the chart comes with a templete with a few big candles. then again i have to change the visible time span to 1 year or two years to get the decent chart.Is there a way to change the default template.
3.When the time span is small say 6 months the charts are showing in candlestick format when the time span 1 year or more it becomes a barchart.
is there any way to change the bar chart to candle or candle to bar?at any time?
make your own templates then save. change the default template and save that. save your changes and Njoy

5. How could u separate the stock according to the industry?If i want to separate the data of nse stock as A-G, H-N,O-U and so on what should I do?
please help to solve the problem.
try to use the explorer tree option from Chart manager.

good luck
Dear sanchari,
Thax for your support.Yes I got the data of Dhampur sugar Mills after searching "The dhampur sugar mills".Thanx once again.
Sanchari where are u from? Kolkata? are u familier with Fibotrader database?
I think the stock code should be changed to solve this problem(Dhampur sugar from The dhampur sugar) how could we do this?
would u plz gimme ur mail address?so that i can mail you to solve such problems.
waiting for your reply
Debdulal Bhattacharyya
hello Mr. bhattacharyya...
im not an expert.im using fibitrader from the middle of Sept '06. Mr. Soumya is an expert in this case. we all keep on asking lots of questions to Mr. Soumya. i think if we juniors r capable of answering any known question we must help each other in this forum itself. If difficult questions arise I think Mr Soumya is here to help us. ok.
subho bijoya to all of u.:)
thank u.
Hi soumya,
thanx for ur reply.Actually i was waiting for ur reply.But I am very sorry to say that neither i get any mail into my gmail inbox nor any Pm. My PM is activated in gmail. any way there may be some error. would u plz add me int ur yahoo msngr? my id is [email protected]. Please enter a brief description so that I can understand that its u.
plz mail me back if u dont have the yahoo id.
Debdulal Bhattacharyya

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