Escape's Trading Diary - Options


Well-Known Member
Everyday is new learning. I tried giving little more space for SL and that didn't worked in my favour. Needs to work on it. Overall lost around Rs 950.

NIFTY OPT 30AUG 12 CE @ 5300 (B)50 @127.51 (S)50 @129.2 +84.50
NIFTY OPT 30AUG 12 CE @ 5400 (B)150 @66.82 (S)150 @61.12 -855.00
NIFTY OPT 30AUG 12 PE @ 5500 (B)100 @111.2 (S)100 @110.25 -95.00

After deducting all charges: Rs -946.50

Capital Status:
Exact Initial Capital: Rs. 15746
Current Ledger balance Rs. 12944 (-2802)

Avoid boat going in wrong direction.

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