Free Stock Analysis software with Realtime & EOD Data

data which we ara geting from yahoo is delayed by 15 minute just check it from yahoo finance by login your id

there is some browser setting has to done in these data feed file them we might get real time data
data which we ara geting from yahoo feed is delayed by 15 minute just check it from yahoo finance by login your id

there is some browser setting has to done in these data feed file then only we might get real time data
you can compare this data by volume traded in yahoo finance (from web browser after login from ur id ) and data feeded tto quote tracker by these replace file mentioned above

incase some one getting real time data after replacing these file please post a procedure and setting u have done

i have done these procedure replace the files and done webupdate in Qt then restarted QT but still not able to get real time data which am geting from same yahoo finace from web browser
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Hello friends, I've read the complete thread, and i am really impresed with the job u've all done, but i am too stuck with a problem dont u people think that commodity traders might also be helped by ur knowledge.
I am a commodity trader, and i've always been amazed with the lack of utilities available for them, i am new in trading, so if anyone can help me plz, ur all welcome my mail id is [email protected] u can also add me at yahoo for free commodity calls.
Dear Members,
Iam just installed Amibroker Trial version ( 30days Free).Iam also having Power India Bulls.If any member who is successfully installed the Real time converter and working with the help Power India bulls, Pl provide your Yahoo messanger ID, to enable me to contact and utilise the above software. This request is made since Mr.Gandhi is preparing for Exams.


Active Member
Hi ppvsin,
You've done a very good job about getting rt data through QT/FC combination. Many thanks for the same. Using this combination I found 3 problems:-
1. The update becomes slower with the increase in # of scrips in the portfolio.
2. If one has to shut down the computer for sometime or there is internet or power failure, then there is a gap in the subsequent data. There doesn't seem to be any way to back-fill the data.
3. There are some internet services which have a download limit ( I had been using DataOne broadband 'home plan'). Using this combination exceeded my monthly download limit and I had to pay extra for the excess download which was more expensive than some of the paid rt services now available.
I'ld like to know if there are any solutions to these problems.
Moreover, I'm not clear about the utility of the as there is already a link in the QT for getting delayed Yahoo intraday data.
I'll be highly obliged if you can clarify these points.

