Free Stock Analysis software with Realtime & EOD Data

Dear friends

I found one source to get realtime data from yahoo finance.
1. Download quote traker free trail verson from Install it.

2.Quotetraker supports only NSE real time data which is delayed by 15 min and indicies delayed by 5 min.To support yahoo finance data please download replace zip from http://www.************/file/12813345/df091823/Replae.html

3. Install quotetraker and open replace zip copy all fiels and go to programme files click on quotetraker folder and paste all copied fiels.

4.Run quote traker programme press menu(on the righside of window) and click web updates. After completion of web update close and restart the programme. You will find in site place YAHOO HK,TW,SI,JK,KS,INDIA(NS). Select the same. Add to portfolio Yahoo Finane symbles Ex ^NSEI (NIFTY),ABB.NS, ACC.NS,RPL.NS etc.,you can add scrips as many as you wish. I have tested up to 200+.Select refresh button auto mode 20 sec. You will find FIRST TIME NIFTY QUOTE DELAYED BY OLNLY 30 SEC AND other quotes 1 to 3 min after they start quote.

5.Download FCharts freeware software from install and run it.Connect it to Quote traker plugin.(Just press intraday butten located in leftside in the main menu. View all the charts in 1,2,3,5,10,15,30,60,120 minuts combination with clear view.

please note that quote traker trail verson backfill only two days data.Once we plugin FCharts to quote traker we can backfill tick data n number of days and same can be utilised for charting.

DId anyone managed to find out where is this utility? What does that **** means?

If so can someone please upload to e s n i p s . c o m and share pl !
I noticed except for the NSE quotes rest of the quotes are 15 mins behind.. i know this is a problem with yahoo... and since this software uses quotes from yahoo it may be the reason for delay in quotes of stocks by 15 mins... does any one know a solution to this?
it can be dangerous to take trading decisions based on delayed quotes... is any one facing this problem or is it just me... please advise
I am unable to extract eod data from csv files to aiotrade. Tough the software downloads eod data very late from yahoo finance it some times fails to download data of a particular day and the dates displayed are also wrong. Can any one solve this problem for me . Thanks in advance.