Tejas Khoday

Co-Founder & CEO, FYERS
Bring BO with SLM and other order type

You guys seriously look into what kind order type IB is providing
I wonder how they provided that kind vast order type without issue
Their OCO other is not club with BO or CO those acts normal order type
Noted. Also, most of the order types offered in IB are not really useful for retail traders in my opinion.

Tejas Khoday

Co-Founder & CEO, FYERS
In fyers mobile I see limit and market only what about SL-Mand SL-L order type ?
Also I don't understand why the Fyers web order placing is disabled in mobile.
it should be allowed for whoever wants to use it.
Hi @bpr, you can place Stop loss orders (SL-M & SL-L) in the following way.
  • Suppose you want to place a SL-L Buy Order in Nifty 10800PE, order at 130 when the CMP is 108.9, you will have to enter 130 in your trigger price and place a limit price above 130. Once the order is placed, you will be able to view this in the order book.
  • Likewise, if you want to place a SL-M Buy Order in Nifty 10800PE, order at 130 when the CMP is 108.9, you will have to enter 130 in your trigger price and place order type as MARKET.
Please check the screenshots below for more clarity.

Screenshot_20180615-140910.png Screenshot_20180615-140856.png


Well-Known Member
How much time it take to calculate 30 day challenge
23 Mar, 2018 04 May, 2018 Completed Yet to be computed!
I was said by customer care that it will done by June 4th
Today 18th June still not calculate...
This should be automate thing have mail each time to customer support
@Tejas Khoday

I am sorry if it is already answered here. Used search, but I could not find the details that I am looking for.

Is the Cover Order enabled for Options Selling? If so, whether is it enabled for Weekly BankNifty options? Any restrictions on certain strike prices?

When I placed an order today, I got an rejection stating "RMS:21806187043:COVER ORDER NOT ENABLED FOR SCRIPT". I was trying to sell NSE:BANKNIFTY1862126400PE.

I called the support, but I did not get a convincing answer from them. They say the CO is enabled for Nifty Options alone. And for both buying and selling. COs are not allowed for other Options, both buying and selling.

There is an option to calculate BO and CO Margin for Options Selling at https://fyers.in/margin-calculator/bracket-cover-orders/

I see in the calculator that the Buy option gets disabled when I chose Options other than Nifty. But for Sell it is enabled for all FNOs and yet the Support says that CO is not enabled except for Nifty Options. I find it strange that you have enabled "Sell" alone when you dont alone both Buy and Sell incase of non Nifty Options.

Am I missing something?

Tejas Khoday

Co-Founder & CEO, FYERS
How much time it take to calculate 30 day challenge
23 Mar, 2018 04 May, 2018 Completed Yet to be computed!
I was said by customer care that it will done by June 4th
Today 18th June still not calculate...
This should be automate thing have mail each time to customer support
Hi @Snake.Head, we are in the process of automating all the calculations. Some of it is done already. We will send it to you be EOD.

Tejas Khoday

Co-Founder & CEO, FYERS
@Tejas Khoday

I am sorry if it is already answered here. Used search, but I could not find the details that I am looking for.

Is the Cover Order enabled for Options Selling? If so, whether is it enabled for Weekly BankNifty options? Any restrictions on certain strike prices?

When I placed an order today, I got an rejection stating "RMS:21806187043:COVER ORDER NOT ENABLED FOR SCRIPT". I was trying to sell NSE:BANKNIFTY1862126400PE.

I called the support, but I did not get a convincing answer from them. They say the CO is enabled for Nifty Options alone. And for both buying and selling. COs are not allowed for other Options, both buying and selling.

There is an option to calculate BO and CO Margin for Options Selling at https://fyers.in/margin-calculator/bracket-cover-orders/

I see in the calculator that the Buy option gets disabled when I chose Options other than Nifty. But for Sell it is enabled for all FNOs and yet the Support says that CO is not enabled except for Nifty Options. I find it strange that you have enabled "Sell" alone when you dont alone both Buy and Sell incase of non Nifty Options.

Am I missing something?
Hello @gandavadi,

1. Yes, covers order are enabled for options selling for all the monthly contracts. We have not enabled it for BankNifty Weekly options because we want to observe it a bit longer. Feel free to give your opinions and we all can bounce views on that.

2. The BO & CO Margin calculator doesn't even display BankNifty Weekly options. We have intentionally removed it.

3. The support team has been informed about this, maybe you happened to speak to a new recruit. Will let the new guys know immediately.
Hello @gandavadi,

1. Yes, covers order are enabled for options selling for all the monthly contracts. We have not enabled it for BankNifty Weekly options because we want to observe it a bit longer. Feel free to give your opinions and we all can bounce views on that.

2. The BO & CO Margin calculator doesn't even display BankNifty Weekly options. We have intentionally removed it.

3. The support team has been informed about this, maybe you happened to speak to a new recruit. Will let the new guys know immediately.
Not sure what is the difference when dealing with weekly options! I am not an expert....I feel that COs actually bring discipline....less risk for both of us. Dont you feel the same? I suggest you to enable COs for Weekly options too.

Tejas Khoday

Co-Founder & CEO, FYERS
Latest Update on MCX - Turn of events are as follows.

1. Finally, 1 out of the 2 leased lines has been commissioned to our dedicated servers in the data center.

2. Once the line has been commissioned, dedicated cabling needs to be done within the data center to reach our dedicated servers.

3. The funny thing is, the router needs to procured as per MCX guidelines from a third party vendor.

4. Once that's done, MCX will provide preliminary configurations to be done on the router which has to be done by the software provider (In this case, since we are an in-house technology platform, we have to take care of this entire lengthy procedure by ourselves).

5. After the preliminary configurations are done from our end, MCX will do all the rest of the configurations in their standard turnaround time on which we have no control of.

6. Once the configuration has been finally completed, MCX will rigorously test the connectivity and uptime.

7. After the above testing has been successfully completed, the control of the router and connectivity will be handed over to the service provider (Telcoms) for management. At this stage, is when the links become usable.

8. The above steps are just for 1 leased line. The same has to be repeated for the backup lines. Considering that both are not provided by the Telcoms at the same time, the entire procedure has to be repeated separately as per the service provider's timelines and the exchange's protocol.

9. Once both the lines have been successfully commissioned by the different Telcoms, there is additional configuration to be done so that auto-failover of the links is enabled.

10. Since all our technology is in-house, we need to get our applications separately certified by the exchange which can begin only after Step No. 7 (Point 7). This is not applicable for other brokers who are conveniently using empaneled software vendors products like Omnesys (NEST) & 63 Moons (ODIN).

We are on the job and our tech team is working overtime to get this through with! Hope this gives you a perspective.


Listen and act, don't ask it, it doesn't oblige
Latest Update on MCX - Turn of events are as follows.

1. Finally, 1 out of the 2 leased lines has been commissioned to our dedicated servers in the data center.

2. Once the line has been commissioned, dedicated cabling needs to be done within the data center to reach our dedicated servers.

3. The funny thing is, the router needs to procured as per MCX guidelines from a third party vendor.

4. Once that's done, MCX will provide preliminary configurations to be done on the router which has to be done by the software provider (In this case, since we are an in-house technology platform, we have to take care of this entire lengthy procedure by ourselves).

5. After the preliminary configurations are done from our end, MCX will do all the rest of the configurations in their standard turnaround time on which we have no control of.

6. Once the configuration has been finally completed, MCX will rigorously test the connectivity and uptime.

7. After the above testing has been successfully completed, the control of the router and connectivity will be handed over to the service provider (Telcoms) for management. At this stage, is when the links become usable.

8. The above steps are just for 1 leased line. The same has to be repeated for the backup lines. Considering that both are not provided by the Telcoms at the same time, the entire procedure has to be repeated separately as per the service provider's timelines and the exchange's protocol.

9. Once both the lines have been successfully commissioned by the different Telcoms, there is additional configuration to be done so that auto-failover of the links is enabled.

10. Since all our technology is in-house, we need to get our applications separately certified by the exchange which can begin only after Step No. 7 (Point 7). This is not applicable for other brokers who are conveniently using empaneled software vendors products like Omnesys (NEST) & 63 Moons (ODIN).

We are on the job and our tech team is working overtime to get this through with! Hope this gives you a perspective.
What is the latency? Any benchmark compared to others?