General Elections 2019

What will happen ?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Well-Unknown Member
Why don't we have LS elections in Jan? I am sure this has been discussed before.

Why in April - May?

Might improve turnout.
I too think they should seriously start elections in Dec/Jan by avoiding school exam times and most of marriage season too. The cooler weather would result in increasing voter turnout. Plus I think India need to increase voting booth times in cities/densely populated areas so as to allow late eve voting like in some developed countries.

But I guess, increased votes are not politicians are after.. it's easy to manipulate/target small section of society (20-30%) based on religion and caste to get favourable results. For e.g. last election NDA vote share was below 40% (of total votes casted) and 60% of voters voted against NDA, still NDA could get majority due to targeted seats in UP/Bihar/Maha/MP etc. Same thing is happening in this election, SP+BSP combined so as to get more votes in UP.


Well-Unknown Member
This election congress has nothing to lose (they were already down to 44 seats). BSP/SP were already at zero or single digit seats. I think they will capture more seats this time. Congress may not benefit that much but BSP+SP alliance could make dent to BJP. Biju patnayak will still win in Odissa. West Bangal we need to watch as it's only state with higher voting % every year. Public of WB did uproot CPI's longest running rule, they could do same with Mamta.
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