General Trading Chat


Well-Known Member
do not know if market will go up or down -----which ever way it moves,

but NF premium is so low..almost 2 point to 4 points.....means too many short in system....
Vijay Mallya Arrested .....
seems bit longer than last time ...... this time india presented its case better in london courts
He is one of the highlighted case owing to his life style, just check majority of gem and jewellery companies balance sheets, all of them have swindled anywhere between 1000 cr to 2000 cr. Modus operendi is quite simple, they are in exports, owing to global recession their foreign clients (Immediate family members) having office in Antwerp belgium, dubai etc have filled for insolvency hence they have defaulted on payments, under the circumstances company can't pay back loans to banks. Promoters are living luxurious life and opened new companies for swindling bank money in future.
Now i am glad that the price came down so as not to leave a gap today. Leaving a gap is not good for a sustained uptrend.
Ideally i also do not want a gap up. (Because then there is always the fear that it needs to get filled)

What does this mean
Better chances of a good rally then unless huge negative news comes
Negative News highly unlikely .....

RBI not likely to raise rates .......

Status Quo ..... is what markets expects .....

Any rate reduction is positive surprise ........ but in worst case scenario will be Status Quo ... which will not be a negative surprise as such .......

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