General Trading Chat

Intra : These red lines are supply area, intra is combo of vwap,twap,linear reg ,with D and S
View attachment 22690

Positional bank nifty spot : RF is part of MP and VP theory which i have already discussed in the specific thread
View attachment 22689
The RF Histogram diverging upwards ........

should it be taken as bullish ....


Well-Known Member
Sorry for being Naive but what is RF (Rotational Factor) is it an indicator and do you use it just to spot divergence.
Sir, !!! Just spend some time with MP/VP terminology or just refer my thead ,you will understand it !!! it assist in getting PB trades ,with respect to volume profile !!! it includes two setups divergence,volume anomaly ,tough topic and it is way ahead with normal like william R,OBV,rsi ,macd etc

@XRAY27 Sir what is that orange channel ?
Linear reg !!!


Well-Known Member
Learn't Event patterns for days like annual Budget and Credit policy , pronouncement of credit policy @2.30 PM made it irrelevant now :shifty::p ,“It can be very expensive to try to convince the markets you are right.” -Ed Seykota ,so respecting my TSL @ 24007 (spot value) for positional trade !!!

Today i will trade cash market with non banking stocks for intra !!!
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