General Trading Chat

Market digested all worries and marching ahead. No clear majority at the center,demands by supporting parties,Loksabha speaker election all discounted and market made new all time high.It is still in no mood to give up its momentum. It is how the market discounts bad news indicates its strength.

Next 2-3 years should be good for the market with few corrections in between but the undertone is definately bullish. Great opportunity of creating some serious wealth.

I have moved from daytrading and short term trading to medium term trading, investing and mutual funds with very good results in last 2-3 years mainly because of my preoccupation with non market activities and the shift is very satisfying....

Best wishes to all my trader and investor friends.
Last 3-4 years I have concentrated on investing in strong fundamental stocks and small and midcap mutual funds and it was highly rewarding.I was and I still am bullish on India and its development. Bull market in small/mid caps still has some more legs to go up.

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