Agreed vineet,just think that 12:30 bar before closing reversed and made 3625 or so as high...then 12:00 H is nolonger a after closing of 12:30 bar...that possibility is ruled out...
Agreed vineet,just think that 12:30 bar before closing reversed and made 3625 or so as high...then 12:00 H is nolonger a after closing of 12:30 bar...that possibility is ruled out...
Not everytime vineet....this time 12:30 bar high was to decide whether 12:00 hH is a PH or not hence we have to suppose 12:30 bar has a lower H but it did not break 11:30 low and the 11:30 pivot low was broken in subsequent 1:00 bar...then no need to wait as 12:00 bar is already defined as PH.