sorry rakesh... server is too crowded with key word ' saint ' ..cant help,
didnt get 2 bar sl ? i think we use 4 wrb ? ..u mean to say before 4 bar rule there were diff. rules? and on 30 min. tf chart from left, why we r not considering third down tick after 2 white wrb ? ..it seems logical low of congestion zone. plz let me know we invaded that low + room ?
interestingly, white bar been negated by colored bar and its low hasnt taken as a sar, is it cuz of white bar is not a WRB ?
i wd love to see others comments as my knowledge for the flow method is still tiny bit.
didnt get 2 bar sl ? i think we use 4 wrb ? ..u mean to say before 4 bar rule there were diff. rules? and on 30 min. tf chart from left, why we r not considering third down tick after 2 white wrb ? ..it seems logical low of congestion zone. plz let me know we invaded that low + room ?
interestingly, white bar been negated by colored bar and its low hasnt taken as a sar, is it cuz of white bar is not a WRB ?
i wd love to see others comments as my knowledge for the flow method is still tiny bit.